Editing Rewards

I will admit I am a writer, and creating the story or typing up the blog is my bliss. However rereading and editing is a chore to me. Edit is the work that instantly drains me, so I have to give myself rewards. I also can only editor so long or I instantly get drained for days or simply burnt out. I mention that this month (March) I am working on editing several projects.



Even this evening, I edited for 2 hours and 50 minutes. . . 50 minutes over my daily goal. I rather be ahead in case I get a day or two where I am just so drained that I cannot focus.

I am surprised that I even found the energy to edit today.

Rewards for editing
1. New Pens
2. Candy
3. Hair dye
4. New diary
5. New Coffee Creamer
6. Mountain Dew
7. Notebooks
8. Tarot reading
9. Mediation breaks
10. Writing breaks: blogging, stories etc
11. Go for a walk
12. Play with my kitty
13. Play Online Games
14. Watch You tube
15. Movie
16. Making Amazon wish list
17. Online time.
18. Make favorite meal
19. Write with friends
20. Listen to music

I think I can, I think I can (type)

Encouragement for writing

I can in encourage others very well. I am a good fluffy cheerleader. However I am horrible at encouraging myself. I am writing this for myself and others.

Writing is about having fun. You should be enjoying what you are doing. You may not enjoy all aspects of writing, but you like something about it . . . if so then why are you doing it?

Do NOT let others discourage you!

  • Writing is not a fad or fetish.
  • You do NOT write too much.
  • It is NOT a stupid hobby.

If you have error simply correct it. We are only human.

  • Think of it this way, even the most harsh, bitter critics secretly want to help.
  • Do not take criticism so personally.
  • If you make a mistake, then fix it.
  • Not everyone with like your work.


  • The brain is a muscle you must exercise it to keep it running.
  • Prompts are good.
  • Draft #1 is not perfection.
  • Some authors edit dozens of times before it gets in the publishers hands.
  • Write short stories, poetry, blogs. . . just keep writing.

Books are your friend.

  • Read as much as you can.
  • Read books in the genre your writing.

The writing process is a journey.

  • Some may be a head of you. Some may behind you.
  • Just because someone else has a book or ten published, it does not mean your book is any less or that you are too slow.

Focus on your own work.


  • There are many distractions out there.
  • There are many discouraging things.
  • Stay focused. YOU CAN DO IT!

In order not to get overwhelmed divide your book into small goals.

  • So many words per week
  • Or a chapter per ten days.
  • Remember NOT everyone will enjoy your work.

Focus on the story you want to tell.

Version A is for you. Version B is for everyone else.

Now tell yourself.

  • I am a writer.
  • I enjoy what I do.
  • I write because I have story to tell.
  • I write, because I have fun.
  • I will become better with practice.
  • I will give myself goals.
  • I will achieve those goals.
  • I can write a book.

Confession #4

Confession: Your first draft is always crap. . . There are nuggets of gold/diamond in the pieces, but they really need to be cleaned, and re-polished. . .

My first of novel I wrote a paranormal-drama about a girl who could see and talked to ghosts. I wrote it for NaNoWriMo. . . it was simply to see if I could write 50,000 in one month. I think I ended with 52,000 or 53,000 words when I was done. However that was not the end of the book; I finished writing it the next NaNoWriMo. It ended with 160,000 words. . . I have still yet to completely edit it. I have learned I am an over-writer. My first draft will always have too much.

I look back now and go “D@mn what the *BEEP* did I write?” 

  1. I have noticed that parts of it are therapy, just venting against people I know.
  2. There are parts where it seem to go on and on and have nothing to do with the main story-line.
  3. I had a crushes on one of my side characters and put him in way more than he needed to be. Worst part is his is a frickle, artistic jerk, but I loved his look.
  4. I know I need to vent and wine less and show more suspense.
  5. When I rewrite and edit, I plan to cut a lot and focus more on the story of the ghost and less on a whiny girl.

It was my first draft and I finished NaNoWriMo two years in a row because of it so it is an accomplishment. It is just not finished yet.

My advice is focus on getting the words out. 

There are articles on surviving NaNoWriMo. 





NaNoWriMo Time

Yay! Dances.


Why I am dancing with Dean Winchester (AKA Jensen Ackles)?


Because it’s NANOWRIMO TIME. YAY!!!! (And he’s good looking.)



The time of year where I get ready to write, write, and write some more. I am truly at my element when I am writing.

I will be working on Book 2 of my vampire series Crimson Shadows.

I am getting all of my outlines and notes together just after I post this.

To be writing buddies. . .  this is my profile. http://nanowrimo.org/participants/rebekah1213


Writing Confession #4

I have never had a first draft without missing words, spelling mistakes, or grammar errors. 

I mean how can I not make a mistake when my characters are telling their stories, my muses are trying the twists and turns. . . the “OMG” moments. Then they both want to walk away from my outline and explore the path untraveled. They always seem to have ideas when I am exhausted or miserable.

I also rush when I write my first draft as that is when my inspiration hits me.

I’m also worried about my word count, especially when I write in November (NaNoWriMo).

Even on my blogs, I read and reread before I hit send to make sure things sound right, and I even miss things afterward. (It really irks me.)

I will problem have ten even twenty drafts of scenes and stories before I send it out to a publisher. I also cannot afford an editor at the moment.
If it is just for fun or with a friend, I will check once, maybe twice, because most of my co-writers understand my writing issues.

I am not perfect; therefore, my writing will not be perfect.