After the 24th of this month, I’ll be down for a while as I’m getting carpel tunnel surgery.

I am frustrated as I was 11,411 words short of my 600,000 word goal for 2023.


I did manage to write something everyday thanks to my boyfriend and writing partner. I love you and thank you my sweetie!

I didn’t finish the projects, but I am currently finish a book that I decided to make more therapy than one project to publish. (I plan to read the projects while I’m down and healing. It may be hard to turn a jar or lift more than a cup of coffee, but maybe I can at least turn a page or scroll down the screen.)

My hopes for 2024 (I’m not giving myself goals)

  • Read at least 10 books (they are not mine) and review then.
  • Read a new story each month and review it
  • Eventually write between 400,000 to 500,000 words
  • Research differences between self and professional publishing
  • Heal my wrist
  • Reread my novels
  • Cut back on notebooks.

Updates and Camp NaNoWriMo April 2023

Between mental issues and sinus problems, has been giving me a challenge to get any writing done. I’ve tried to organize a bit more.

My amazing boyfriend has help me writing a few short stories with him. It really does help.

I was on my Instagram when I found out camp NaNoWriMo was next month. Yay!!

Camp NaNoWriMo April 2023

My Goals
30,000 words written in 30 days
Posting in several of my blogs: including this one.
My theme is memoir …. My personal story.

I’ve been having issues with finding a therapist and friends who understand my issues, so. . .until I find someone who can help me, I am working through my own issues

Things I’ve learned in 2022

  1. I get distracted easily (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and phone games, even coloring … when I should be writing.) 
  2. Most …I mean 90%of Instagram is fake people and scammers. It seems like everyone is out for money.
  3. I’m obsessed with health research. Google chrome is my search engine of choice. (It’s a distraction as well.) 
  4. My complex hyperplasia was dire and half of my extreme female problems were caused by it. My hysterectomy went well physically as I have more energy and less brain fog, but I’m still working on mental and emotional issues (more on health blog: https://rebekahs.health.blog/
  5. I’m now 40 years old and my social circle is practically non-existent. (I hope to change it next year.) 
  6. Expect less from most people. They can still shock and devastate me though. (More about that in my spiritual blog: https://spiritualbeck.wordpress.com/)
  7. Life is short: you never know when your time is up. A friend of mine passed on unexpectedly, and I hope she is resting in peace. 
  8. Enjoy what you can: writing is my Bliss. Without my brain fog so thick, I can focus and write more. 
  9. I know more than anything I want to be with my guy and write together for a living. 
  10. It’s easy to keep things simple. Don’t let possession rule your life. 

December update

I’ve been focusing on health and family this month.

I had an outpatient medical procedure early this month. I had never been under anesthesia before..it felt like I was resetting my phone, where you turn it off for several minutes and then restart. I felt like my brain did that. I’m still three weeks later trying to re-access several projects in my head.

I know many fighting colds, the flu, and even covid. I’m fighting extreme mood swings and heat flashes. Depression really sucks and it was mixed with writer’s block.

I have three ideas that are simmering in my head…..yay!!

My creative boyfriend has been pulling me into a few projects to get my brain working again. I’m very grateful for that.

I really didn’t get the goals I wanted done this year. It’s been a year of healing and struggle.

I think next year I’m keeping all my goal too the K.I.S.S method….. Keep. It. Simple. Stupid. I will post my goals for 2022 in another blog.

I’m alive and working on alot of notes at the moment. I’m trying to get energy and motivation to really clean.

Things Accomplished in 2020

Things accomplished in 2020. . .

  1. I did write 558,174 words in 2020 (Goal was 600,000 words.)
  2. I wrote in both Camp NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo https://Nanowrimo.org
  3. Overcome writers block (Thanks to my boyfriend and writing partner)
  4. 30 days of poems https://rqshortstories.wordpress.com/
  5. 30 days of things I am Grateful for https://spiritualbeck.wordpress.com/
  6. I become emotionally stronger
  7. I learned that my prayers do get answered
  8. I made sure everyone had good birthdays and holidays (I learned that Karma does work.)

I am participating in the Writing Contest: You are Enough, hosted by Positive Writer.


Hello. I’m Rebekah Quinne. I’m a horror, paranormal, and thriller writer.

Some background on me: I started to write for myself in fifth grade. Most of my favorite teachers are English teachers. They have always encouraged me to read and write and in doing so, I found of a love of writing. I mean while other kids were outside at recess playing kick ball or causing drama of who liked who, I was writing.  Even in high school, I always had extra note notebook and always had at least one writing project in my head.


Every writer has problems and issues. I fight my demons (my doubts) while I write. . . Common arguments. . .

“What is the point?”

  • The point is that I love to write. I can clean the entire house, make three course meal, do all of our errands in one day, and if I do not write, then I do not feel productive. My day is down when I have writer’s block for a day; but I feel I’m just wasting time if I have several days of writer’ block. I feel like there is a void of me, if I do not write.
  • It is my escape. Sometime a day is simply boring: you get up, get coffee, work, come home, clean, sleep and do it all over again. When I write, I can do anything: mountain climb, fly, have a pet shark etc.
  • I’m a story teller, and I always have a story to tell. I believe I was a bard in another life (I am also musically inclined). I am creative and love expressing myself with all art, especially writing. When I write, I am god: I love to create characters, worlds, problems, and drama. I decide if the day is sunny, if there is tornado, or if one of my characters falls in love, or even dies. I love having the creative control.
    I also put myself in my creation, each character I make has some element of me. So in some way, by reading my work, you are seeing into pieces of my soul.


 “You’re not good enough!” They fight that I will never be like Stephen King, Anne Rice, J. K. Rowling etc.

The truth is you never know until you simply try. I have no idea if I’m truly good enough until I write, edit, and get my books out there.
The best thing I can do is simply try. I cannot hit a homerun, unless I get up to the plate.


“You’re only going to get rejected!”

I had a good friend of mine told me that I had get my work out there. He had been rejected several times, but I knew his work was good. You just have to dust off and reapply to someone else.

Stephen King’s Carrie got rejected over 10 or 30 times (I hear different numbers.)

J.K. Rowling was rejected 12 times with Harry Potter.

Anne Rice was rejected 5 times with Interview with a Vampire.

Here is a link of many authors that and even the greatest books have gotten rejected.



“You write too much!”

Ha. Ha! There is NO such thing as a writer writing too much! I know even if I overwrite, I can always cut down in the edit.

There is not enough time in the day to get out all of the things that are in my head.


Just a few pieces of advice. . .

  • I get easily distracted, especially by the Internet. So when I want to write, I try to go to place with no wifi or I turn my wifi off.
  • During moments when I am struggling on a scene, I simply go to a scene in which I want to write or I start with a strong scene. I used to think that I have to write book from beginning to ending, but that is not how my muses work. Sometimes I get pieces, and I have to rewrite scenes to make the pieces work.
  • As much as I like to write alone, I have learned that writing in a group or with a partner can be just as much fun. I have several friends that have kept me creative, taught me how to write decent twists, and how to be a better person and better writer. I love playing RPGs and role-playing online with my friends as they keep my mind working and my ideas fresh. So I cannot say that my writing process is completely solo. I also ask my friends for opinions on scenes or chapters in my novels, as I feel they are going to be honest with me. I appreciate that I have creative and honest friends who encourage my writing.
  • My other suggestion is read, especially the genre you are writing. It can be inspiring and it can show you want publisher want.
  • I agree with Anne Rice write about what hurts and what pleasures you. http://youtube.com/watch?v=bw2KXX7WrOY


Writing is every day journey in which I have greatly enjoyed—I have killed a lot of pens and used a pages, but I feel the world needs more readers, writers, and storytellers.

I hope with my stories, I can make the future readers laugh, cry, be entertained, and most of all, turn the page.

Please enjoy my blog: I keep update on here of my writings and I have links to all of my blogs and other works.

Please keep reading and enjoy.

Rebekah Quinne.









My Motivation

What’s your motivation?

What inspires you?

What makes you want to get out of bed in the morning?

Why do you do what you do?


I got this from this blog


(I must give credit where credit is do . . . )

My ultimate dream is to a famous author like Stephen King and Anne Rice. I also enjoy the writings of Agatha Christie. I want to make money doing what I love writing horror, paranormal, and thriller novels.

Writing a book does NOT just happen overnight. Draft A usually takes me at least three months as life does not stop while I am writing a novel. I do argue with my muses and characters and sometimes family members. LOL
(Currently I am writing on a folding table that I have to take down every day. I live with family and I do not have a desk, writing area. It’s very frustrating but I put my frustration in my characters; it helps for fight scenes.)


There are days I feel like crap (even today with my migraine this afternoon,) and I still write. (over 2000 words so far)
(As I have posted in several blogs. . . I can make a five course meal, clean the entire house, do all of the errands, paid all of the bills and if I did NOT write, I felt as if I did nothing that day.
When I played volleyball as young lady, I had a shirt that said Life is Volleyball! and in small print: Everything else is just stuff. I feel the same way about writing.)


To be honest with my health issues, someday I have to force myself to get out of bed. I tell myself that I get to cook and/or write that day and it helps. (I have made myself rewrite chapter 8 of this current project I am doing, because it’s an exciting, dangerous thriller that I believe will make people want to read all three novellas. I plan to write summaries and cover pieces and post them on the blog soon. Something to look forward to this week.)
I may not be a published author today or the next day, but I believe someday in the future some publishing company will publish my work and sell my books! That thought alone gets me out of bed and typing every day.

I do what I do because I love it. I am writer. (At first I thought I was singer, until I was in college when I found out I couldn’t sing one thing and play another because of inner ear issue.

  • However since kindergarten I have been writing and making books for young authors: kindergarten thru fifth grade.
  • During recess, while kids were playing, I was writing, and I had to use a pencil when the weather would get cold as ink does freeze.
  • My first boy-girl party in 8th grade I was sitting in the bushes writing poetry and lyrics.
  • All throughout high school, I was writing short stories, scripts and lyrics.
    I was always meant to be a writer and I will be popular author!)


I am inspired by everything from daily life to simply reading another blog like https://cristianmihai.net/2019/05/25/whats-your-motivation/

(By the way, I like reading their blog. They always a piece or two that pulls my attention. )

Writing Suggestion

First of all, this is not advice, because deep down 90% of people never take the advice when someone gives it anyway.

Secondly, I writing this blog more for myself (self talk), but if it helps others . . . awesome!

My suggestion: Focus on your own writings. 

Do not worry if some self-published writer had 60 novels and three amazon awards.
(It doesn’t make you any less of a writer.) 
Just say congrads and if they have a book give away, read it and see what the hype is. (Note: They might not even be in your genres.)

Write down your goals and dreams and focus on what you want to do for you. 
Be happy when you even get one fan (that is not a friend or family, who would say that you are good no matter what. . . And thank your family for their support and putting up with you. . . you can get cranky interrupted from your writing mode. )
Enjoy the compliments. (Say thank you and focus back into your work)
Use the criticism to help your work. (Remember not everyone is going to enjoy your work. Focus on your target audience, once your figure out who they are.)

Stop comparing your work to others.
Your work is different and your fans enjoy work.

Focus and you can make your dreams come true!


My next project

I haven’t been on as I have been writing Short Stories.

I have been writing over 7,000 words in the last 80 hours . . . it’s a good pick up from being in a writer’s back from October to January and part of February. However I have so many idea for erotica. So my muses Zoe and Starre have been very busy.

However I plan to write next month . . . doing Camp NaNoWriMo . . .

November is National Novel Writing Month,I’ve won 8 out of 10 years.

I set next month for 30,000 words, which is a 1,000 per day. I believe I can do that.

Now I need to

  • List all ideas I want to work with
  • Cut list down
  • Outline and notes to each ideas
  • Research what I don’t know.

I am hoping to write book of adult short stories, and I hope to sell it.
I have gotten so many positive reviews saying that I am good writer so I hope to make a living with it.

However I will be publishing in another pen name still working on it.