Weird Amusing Bumps

I have been on a some very weird, amusing bumps on my current writing path.

I normally write about ghost stories, vampire luring karmic victims, abandoned places, and urban legends. I enjoy the horror, the dark lust, the karmic justice, and just the decent history of a good ghost story. Why did the dark evil beings simply become that way . . .

However lately my muses have me writing a light mystery romance.
I’m not sure why? I think I am the least romantic person I know.
I’m practical. . . I rather have a bouquet of pens or candy, not flowers. I HATE to dress up. I refuse to wear make-up or heels.

 If a guy can’t accept me for me, then he can just go away. (I don’t need another disappointment in my life.)


I’m getting off my point. I’m working on a romance story, kind of.  However my characters are on two different paths, which is not really a problem I am worried about. BUT. . .   I had to write a scene in which I argued with muses and tried for days to avoid. I had to kill my main female character’s cat. (I’m a huge cat lover and yet my muses said: the cat escaped, things like that happen, and it to build my characters closer.)

I did finally caved in. I didn’t let my muses get detailed thank God, but it was a simple phone call that I toyed over for days. Once I let my muses take over, it was written in less than hour and the band-aid was off and the main male character comforted her.

However has this happened to other writers? Have you avoid muses or a scene because it simply made you feel bad or comfortable?


I feel I am growing as writer and simply as person for facing it. I feel I am looking at it from the villain and hero perspective.

Maybe I’m practicing romance for scenes in my vampire novels., fanged monsters can love too.

Note: I do plan to post this light mystery romance story on my wattpadd. (Links on my pinned blog page)


Pure Bliss

Plugging myself in with the playlist of my favorite music, blocking out the bitter reality of this harsh world.

Turn on my M.S. Word or get out a pen and Notebook and then completely focus on my fantasy worlds within each story or novel.

Just type or write for hours, word after word, line to paragraph to page. . . creating drama and horror within the story knowing that what doesn’t kill my characters just makes them that crazier and stronger.

That is my pure bliss.

Writing Mood: Content

Its day 19 and betweens the blogs, notes, and novel I’m at 35,000 words. Yay! My novel is at 25,715 words which awesome for my 30,000 word goal. Again, I would love to reach 50,000 words, but if I don’t I still did really well. What counts is that I got parts of my novel written.

Lately, I’ve been in a writing and very creative mood. I feel like myself. . . like I can face the world with pen (sword) in hand.

Only frustration is when I get interrupted, it gets hard to get back into a drama scene. I sometimes have to reread my work and notes a dozen times. However lately its like my head can magically go back.

I still snap when someone interrupts me, and then I feel bad. Like the other night, I’m in my zone and I was sitting at the edge of my seat, and kept asking me “what are you doing?”

Now I could have gotten sarastic, and said “winning fake money at slots or petting my monkey. . .” but then he will just ask more questions.

He kept asking my mom until both her and I were irked. I snapped. I wasn’t mad. I was irked, annoyed. If he stood up, he would have saw the the pens and notebook out.

Even today the drunken neighbor asked “What was I do with the notebook and pen?” I could have said ” I am your new ruler, and I’m just now working on your million rules.” However I just said “I’m a write, and I write stories.”

I’ve learned that sarasm just isn’t that nice anymore and makes me sounds more like a cranky b*tch.

The thing that my uncle said the other night did get to me . . . “why aren’t you happy?”

Actually, minus a sleep issues, I’m pretty content right now. I don’t have to be explosive happy all of the time. I’m content writing in my own world.

Random writing facts about me

  1. I feel I can never write too much.
  2. I can clean and cook, but I am not productive unless I am writing.
  3. I love to write lists, menus, grocery, to-do, idea etc.. It helps me to be organized and calm my anxiety.
  4. I’m picky about my co-writers and editors. I feared people will take my ideas.
  5. I feel accomplished when my pen runs out. Papermate pens run out fast. Bic pen take longer and they are a big accomplishment.
  6. I love writing by hand. Pen and paper do not electricity.
  7. I need to read more.
  8. I have at least five projects in my head.
  9. I fight my depression and my exhaustion vs my productive writing.
  10. I currently have at least four active blogs, and several inactive older blogs. I will post links on another page.
  11. I write poetry, short stories, novellas, novels, and blogs.
  12. I love to write. It is who I am, a writer. I hope someday for a professional publisher to publish and sell my work.
  13. I am obsessed with number 13 and put it my writings often.

My Short Shories

I’m writing Short Stories.

I put my feelings in each one. These are flash fiction but very personal. In the last few year my heart and soul shattered, each of these pieces are my a piece of shattered heart and soul.

I hope to find myself and piece myself together.

I’m posting them on my Short Story blog. . .

Rebekah Quinne Short Stories

Balancing romance and writing

I’ve been told I write too much, and I’ve seen it get in the way and caused  many fights with my ex’s and I. 

However I was told “don’t put away your writing for me.”

Some of the best words a writer could hear. . . 
My new guy seems to believe in me and my writing dreams. I hope not let him down and those who support me. 

However when he is home, I want to spend as much time with him as I can. (I just hope I’m not being too demanding in my time, I mean our time.)

I also try to balance writing and cleaning while he works so I can spend sometime with him when he gets home. Ultimate balance is time with him and writing. 

Diamond in the clique rough

I have a naughty muse (Starred is my erotic muse,) and lately she has wanted to come out in my paranormal and horror writing. 

So if I feel the scene is going naughty I will write the scene twice. I write erotica faster than my therapy writing lately. So I have both scenes. It helps for word counts in nanowrimo and keeps me busy. 

I found a section in one of my naughty scenes. . . (The scene is between Lucy and Lyric fooling around when they are both taken.) I know this line sounds generic and clique but it sounded good to me. 

“She needed him–she knew he needed her. She wanted him and didn’t want to give him back. She secretly and denabliy believed that if she gave him everything he wanted, that he would feel the same way for her. ”

Rebekah Quinne’s (c) copyrights 2017

I felt like my paranormal writing is slowly turning into a clique romance writing. What kills me is that the guy is not the same in reality that is in her head. (But the be honest, is it ever?) She wants love, but he knows she will do anything (including naughty stuff) to keep the idea of him. He uses this to his intimate and sexual advantage. 

I should add a ghost to the scene, but then I start to wonder if I add too much paranormal does it build or cut storyline?

I probably should add something to make more showing and less telling

My brain never stops and my muses are always evolving. 

All situations can be written. . .

I was stood up Saturday instead of just waiting for two hours, I outlined part 2 for my book. (Yes, making the best of my anxiety, time, and my Nanowrimo prep.)

So I waited hours for the bozo to not show, and I was frazzled. What made it worst was when I gave him a chance after he begged for it, and I told him it would NOT work with the distance. Then after two hours of waiting, saying he was going to be there, he texts me saying: it‘s not working for me

No crap!

So what do my muses do? They nag me to write about it, and put it my novel I am working on.  3350 words later I have a scene to add into my story.  I know it’s before nanowrimo but I wanted to write while all feelings were fresh in my head. The migraine was worth the Saturday night of writing. 

Thank you . . . Muses (in no particular order )

  • Rebekah
  • Kelly
  • Emma
  • Chlorine
  • Starre

October word count up 21st

October 1 to 21st 
10,524 written
502 written daily
20,490 typed
976 typed daily

One BIC pen died.Total written so far 31,014

Told words written 1,478 daily at that rate I would have only 

 45,818 by October 31st.  
I need to up my game. 

Inside my head

I like my head it is usually organized and set for my muses.

However with my depression and anxiety and ptsd, it gets very chaotic and messy. 

Its hard to find my ideas organized anything.

 I’m wondering how my muses are working. 

Maybe they escaped to secret haven in my head. . .