New Book Review

Over the last few weeks, I have been reading the book The Spiritual Meaning of Numbers by Belle Motley
(Amazon link.)

If you go to her site you get a free gift.
I am a fan of free gifts.

This book pulls my attention, because I keep seeing repeating numbers: with the clock, my games, even repeating numbers in my tarot reading. I would see 11:11, 1:11, 2:22 etc.

I also have seen and still see a few random numbers often: 8:17, 5:16, and 9:13. Now 5:16 and 8:17 are the birthdays of those I know are deceased. I know that they are watching over me. However I have been seeing the repeating numbers on my clock for months. I am curious as to why I keep seeing these numbers.

I have always been interested in numerology. In this book, you can break down your birthday and your full name and find many different things about yourself.

This book is written at an advanced level: it reminds me a bit of a college level textbook. It is fun and very interactive. She is very knowledgeable in her angel numbers. It is a good resource to have for those who need to know the meaning of numbers. Numbers have their own language, I believe spirits and angels both try to communicate to us with numbers.

She even explains how to meditate and pray to communicate back with the angels and spirit guides. This would be a very good resource to have on your virtual bookshelf.   

I enjoyed how she explained that you can break down multi-digits for example. . . I see 9:13 I have seen that on my clock off and on for years, ever since I was a kid. What is very weird is that my numerology numbers are 1, 3, and 9, weird huh?

9 (cause) Give to receive, completion of cycle, (Sagitarius) Letters (I, R)

1 (core) beginning, move forward (Aries) letters (A, J, S)

3 (effect) Express yourself and release (Gemini) letters (C, L, U)

Other combination. . . .91, 13, 93, 19, 31, 39, (Note: I’ll actually be 39 within the next few weeks, on the 13th, so this is even more bizarre.)

More Book Reviews

I had writer’s block so I have been reading more. I enjoy short scary stories. . . here are a few reviews for three of them with links.

True Ghost Stories: Haunted Buildings, Creepy Forests, Spooky Tales And Eerie True Ghost Stories From The Scariest Places

By Jason Keeler

I give it a 5 out of 5 stars.

I am a huge horror buff and I really enjoy the retelling of many of these non-fiction ghost stories.

I enjoy a few of the stories. Some are the origins of some urban legends I know. Others are stories from around the world that I have not heard of until today.

It written well, and it’s very organized. Buildings, Forests, and accidental tales.

I could not put it down: I read it in one session.

I would suggest it for a good ghost story reference book.

I hope to read more of his work.



There are at least 4 or 5 dozen short stories by Drac Von Stroller (Many of them are currently free or at least they were when I downloaded several for my kindle.) Here are reviews of a few. . . (His amazon link is at the bottom of the reviews)

Book Review: Bloody Mary (Urban Legend) by Drac Von Stroller

4 out of 5 Stars.

I enjoy urban legends. I love reading different version, as I feel each version has a piece of truth.  Bloody Mary is one of my many favorites.

This usually happens when teens want to explore.

I just feel it was a bit short; however, I enjoy that Blood Mary actually communicated with the girls.

Just like the end of the story say . . . research the urban legends and the consequences before mocking the spirits.


Book review: The Doll By Drac Von Stroller

3 out 5 Stars

It has good twists and good scare factor. Dolls naturally scared me. I wished there was more of a description of the doll. (I could easily see this doll being with other dolls on Doll Island, but that is another story).

As a reader, I felt like pieces of the story was missing.
I still would like to where the weapon is stored while the horror aspect was not going on.
I know there was magic involved, but I would have liked more back story on how the doll was created.
I felt the warning was also too vague.

I like the motto which be careful what you wish for.



Review: Bloody Mary: A Short Story

Bloody Mary: A Short Story

By Alexis Tiger

I would give 3 out 5 stars. (I know the process of writing a story.)

It was a simple and short story, a very easy and quick read.  It was a bit too short. I kept wanting to turn the page to read what happened next.

I wanted to know the relation to each of the characters, were they friends since 4th grade or neighbors, etc.

However I feel it needed more.  I wanted to know what happened to character after the horror.
The horror and murder description was pretty good. I wanted to know more of what the characters knew about the Legend of Blood Mary. (As each legend varies from place to place.)

Over all, it was a quick and nice read.

If you want a quick horror story based off an Urban Legend, then you should check it out.