Camp NaNoWriMo April 2020

First of all, it’s been almost two weeks that I have no gone outside any more than ten feet from my door. So I really have cabin favor. . .

Secondly, I have been fighting a head cold (just sinuses, no fever), depression, and writer’s block. . . so I have been really out of it.

So I was surprised (which I shouldn’t have been). . . to find out that in April is Camp NaNoWriMo 2020 . . ( Nanowrimo and Camp Nanowrimo on the same site now). I’m Rebekah1213 on Camp NaNoWriMo.

So since I am feeling better, and I need to get back in to the writing groove for my sanity. . . I am trying to writing in Camp NaNoWriMo.

I am rebelling this time. . . I am working on multi projects. . . I’m calling the project writings of me. Each project has some element of me. . . Write on what I know and want right?
1. I have working on short stories in a different name. (A few know both Rebekah Quinne and my other pen name.)
2. I also working on a depression project. . . I’ve trying to face my depression creatively. . . It makes me feel like there is a war in my head, So why not write about it?
3. I thought about getting creative with this cabin fever and write fictional stories based on the changes that this virus has put on people.

However my goal is at least 30,000 words. This is simply 1,000 words per day. I can do that in my sleep.

I just hope, I have energy, and motivation to get through my writing. I miss writing and I feel unlike myself without it.

I just need to get back and writing and typing. I have been journaling a lot more for documentation of the virus and how I feel in a type of lock down. (Note: It’s not an extreme lock down, but it feels that way. . . only get out for emergency. . . it’s not an emergency.)

Anyway, I need to work on notes for Camp NaNoWriMo. . . keep you updated.

100 Word Story Challeng

I had a challenge to write a 100 word story without using the word “The.”

It’s a bit of a challenge. . .

I’ve had depression and it has a caused a major writer’s block. However with this virus and the must “stay-in” issue. . . I thought I would take this challenge. Not once but twice. . . once in first person and second story in third person. . .

Story 1. Writer’s Block Mock (Note: There is cuss words in this story, Pg-13, you have warned.)

I struggle facing that damn white screen—it mocks me—

“You cannot write–
You have no talent. It ran out, like water down a drain. You wasted it away sitting in front that idiot box.
You need to get off your lazy ass and a real job.”

I growl at that blaring screen as it is laughing at me. It knows what I know which is . . . I have nothing. It knows all of my ideas in my head are tangled like a ball of fuzzy yarn that my cat destroyed. It is simple. I just write.

Story 2. Corona Virus: Average Jane (This is Fictional)

She sits in her room. She stares at her TV. It plays another dramatic story. . . some girl likes some guy who doesn’t want commitment. Same story, different day.
She knows she is in lockdown . . . her TV blares another show.

It has not even been an entire week and she forgotten what day is it. Is it Wednesday or Saturday? All she knows is that she is locked in her room waiting . . . for what? She is not exactly sure.
She just does not want to hear some more news of numbers and biology.

While stuck in with Coronavirus

I have had major writer’s block since mid-November and the longer I have gone with it, the less and less I feel like myself. I have tried writing different things and exercise (walks) and nothing has worked that much. 

Then over the past few weeks, the Coronavirus has really made the news. I think we are just days from all being stuck inside for a while. I feel within days even weeks, we will be stuck inside for a while. I hope you have ideas for self-entertainment/ amusement.
I will admit most of us are freaked out as our average days have suddenly changed. We have had nothing like this in history.  

I will tell you something . . . for the other writers out there blocked like me, please write about your experience.  I plan to write on my own. . . even if you don’t have the virus, should write on how the experience has changed your life or maybe even way of thinking.  We are all going through a very unique moment of history that can be more documented that ever before. (Yes, we have had viruses, plagues and other sickness, but not where we are connected to each simply by the Internet and phone.) 

A few things you can do while you have extra time. . . 

  1. A new writing project (for all of those writers out there)
  2. Netflix or youtube or hulu binges
  3. Read a book or two or ten
  4. Facebook group (please avoid the drama)
  5. Create your own website
  6. Exercise
  7. Paint or color
  8. Learn a new skill: cooking, baking, dance etc
  9. Cook a new dish
  10. Clean out your house
  11. Self-cation or stay-ation. . . It’s like a vacation but in your house. . . pampering yourself. . . bath, favorite music, relaxing do your own favorite things. 

I will give a secret of mine for all those who are depressed, anxious, worried, upset etc. . . . and seriously need counseling or simply an extra person to talk to. really helps me. Please use this site seriously. This situation is very new and scary for a lot of people. . . and depression and anxiety are very serious things.