Determined to win NaNoWriMo 2018

As most of you I’ve been writing is Camp Nanowrimo and this November I’m trying Nanowrimo for the 9th year.

I am writing a seven book series I’m calling Crimson Shadow Collection. There are about 75 vampires and this is the series is about their lives. I have been working on the set-up of this series since 2008-2009 I’m still stuck on book 2 even though I have many scenes for the other books written.

  • 2010 The Whispering Path
  • 2011 Driving Lies Book 1
  • 2012 The Crimson Shadow Collection: Melzela, (on my Rebekah Wolveire account)
  • 2012 Driving Lies Book 2
  • 2013 Driving Lies Book 3
  • 2014 The Crimson Shadow Collection: Daris started
  • 2015 Pieces of me (It was a personal collection)

2010 to 2015 I won each year, writing over 50,000 words (I was with my ex back then)


2016 The Crimson Shadow Collection: Daris (between family drama and muses wanting to write scenes for book 3 to 7, I did not hit 50,000 words)

2017 The Broken Path (My location and exhaustion kept me 15,000 words short of my goal: it’s not finished, but on back burner)

2018 The Crimson Shadow Collection: Daris (I am determined to write and get my 50,000 words)

I’m working Daris again as there are notes, scenes for it everywhere on my flash drive but nothing is together in chapter form. I’m going to put it together.

My Nanowrimo page

My Facebook page

My Twitter page

Every time. . .

It seems every time I give myself writing goals something always happens. . .

First nanowrimo I got two weeks of migraines

Whenever I give myself a personal goal, I’ve had . . .

  • family issues
  • mental break down (unrelated to writing)
  • I was in a car accident
  • Headaches
  • Sinuses
  • Depression
  • Hand cramps
  • Sleep issues
  • Moving
  • Female issues

However I always seem to manage to get my main word count in. It is what I want. . .

This month not any different, I have my anemia (from endomentrial hyplasya I know I didn’t spell that right, its a fancy term for very heavy female periods) mixed with my sleep apnea. I slept the last 40 hours out of 48 hours. I can’t think straight or get my process muses. They are sleepy too.

I need to stop giving myself personal goals and simply write.

I’m taking today off to see if I get my mind to work on its own. I’m over 17,900 words, so I’m very ahead.

I’m tired. It’s sleep time.


I am about to work on a project. . .in which I only have one more chapter to finish it.

It’s a thriller novella trilogy. I started it in 2009, so I probably should finish soon.

I need the tie everything together, and make the ending so big, it’s epic.

My muses already have add on, but I need to finish it before the editing: adding, subtracting, and rewrites.

Chuck from the show Supernatural said “Endings are hard.”

I hate endings and I saying “good bye.”

I so much better at the beginning. However deadlines and pressure have always been the reason why I push the ending. I’m never happy doing it, it just has to be done.

It’s so much better than just stopping. . . Leaving everyone hanging. That is irrating.

My schedule for next few weeks.

  • Reread the last few chapter.
  • Outline main points and tying issues
  • Work on last chapter

My goal is to have it finished by Feburary 28th. Driving Lies will be finished.

My Short Shories

I’m writing Short Stories.

I put my feelings in each one. These are flash fiction but very personal. In the last few year my heart and soul shattered, each of these pieces are my a piece of shattered heart and soul.

I hope to find myself and piece myself together.

I’m posting them on my Short Story blog. . .

Rebekah Quinne Short Stories

NaNoWriMo: 2017, another year gone.


This is the second year, I did not reach my epic goal of 50,000 words this year. In fact, I did the same thing I did in Camp Nanowrimo. . . I gave myself the goal of 50,000, but only reached 35,000. Sigh. 

The worst part is all I have is excuses to fill in why. . . 

  1. Complicated love life
  2. Broken computer
  3. Exhaustion
  4. Errands
  5. Getting out more
  6. Depression
  7. Story is therapy  (sometimes hard to face)
  8. Movies or tv more interesting (Especially cuddling)
  9. Cannot get comfortable to write (no desk)

I just want energy to sit at a comfortable chair in front of a simple desk, with a caffeinated drink, and working computer. . . Is that too much to ask?

Writing vs the Holiday

  1. I love to write.
  2. I love to cook.
  3. I love to bake.
  4. I love to color.
  5. I love to listen to music. (And sing along)
  6. I love to watch movies.
  7. I love to go shopping.

    Most of these are in random order, except my writing. I love to write. It is my passion. 

    So with the holidays, I am always busy in the kitchen. I am making the turkey this year, and I will be very busy Thursday and Friday with my male friend. (Long story, but I’ll explain in my other blog soon. Http:// )

    I want to double my word count for the rest of of Nanowrimo.  I hope I get to 50,000 words by November 30th. 

    I know I have said this before, but I can make a seven course meal, clean the entire house, be on 4 hours of sleep, pay all of the bills, go shopping, and if I do not write something, I feel my day is unproductive

    I know a good meal, nice, and a clean place, feels good, but without writing, I just do not feel accomplished anything at all. 

    Writing for me, even just 5 minutes or 8 hours is something special.

     It is a chaotic, artistic, sweet moment to see my colorful thoughts go from black and white to color again. 

    So I hope I get sometime to write. I still need to cook and hang out with my friend. 

    Balancing romance and writing

    I’ve been told I write too much, and I’ve seen it get in the way and caused  many fights with my ex’s and I. 

    However I was told “don’t put away your writing for me.”

    Some of the best words a writer could hear. . . 
    My new guy seems to believe in me and my writing dreams. I hope not let him down and those who support me. 

    However when he is home, I want to spend as much time with him as I can. (I just hope I’m not being too demanding in my time, I mean our time.)

    I also try to balance writing and cleaning while he works so I can spend sometime with him when he gets home. Ultimate balance is time with him and writing. 

    My computer, eh. 

    I’ve posted about my computer before- my old computer (which I briefly shared with my mom) accidentally fell out of the window and the hinge broke and I can see the wires. I’m afraid to plug it in since the internal wires are exposed, so I am not sure how broken my old computer is. . .

    However my dad got me a refurbished computer for Xmas (2015).  However my step mom saw a spark when I plugged it in and made me get rid of my cord. (Which it is a very hard cord to find.)

     It took me over 15 months to find a new cord and now the used computer. 

    It just really frustrates me as all I want to do it is turn on my computer, plug my headset in, and write while listening to music. But I can’t. . . grrrrr. 

    I have to hand write all of my notes, and Nanowrimo project. 

    Why can’t I just write?

    Flustered.  . . The more I want to write, the more tired I seem to get.

     I’m not sure if it is because this piece is therapy

     or if it is the cold weather making me want to hibernate.  . . 

    Or my anemia. . . 

    Why can’t I just write?

    Diamond in the clique rough

    I have a naughty muse (Starred is my erotic muse,) and lately she has wanted to come out in my paranormal and horror writing. 

    So if I feel the scene is going naughty I will write the scene twice. I write erotica faster than my therapy writing lately. So I have both scenes. It helps for word counts in nanowrimo and keeps me busy. 

    I found a section in one of my naughty scenes. . . (The scene is between Lucy and Lyric fooling around when they are both taken.) I know this line sounds generic and clique but it sounded good to me. 

    “She needed him–she knew he needed her. She wanted him and didn’t want to give him back. She secretly and denabliy believed that if she gave him everything he wanted, that he would feel the same way for her. ”

    Rebekah Quinne’s (c) copyrights 2017

    I felt like my paranormal writing is slowly turning into a clique romance writing. What kills me is that the guy is not the same in reality that is in her head. (But the be honest, is it ever?) She wants love, but he knows she will do anything (including naughty stuff) to keep the idea of him. He uses this to his intimate and sexual advantage. 

    I should add a ghost to the scene, but then I start to wonder if I add too much paranormal does it build or cut storyline?

    I probably should add something to make more showing and less telling

    My brain never stops and my muses are always evolving.