Updates August 2020

It’s been a while since I really posted.

The truth it’s been a real struggle this year to get any of my ideas out.

I’ve had several projects I’ve been working on with a friend and it was because of him that I even got about 18k written last month.

I also had 30 poems written in 30 days on my short story blog. https://rqshortstories.wordpress.com/

However when it comes to major writing projects. . . I’ve been blocked. Extremely blocked since May.

I have been fighting depression, cabin fever, and extreme anxiety.

My computer is down. (I’m even writing this blog on a phone is data issues. Sighs.)

I lost a good friend to anxiety and depression issues. (My other health issues make it worst.)

The mixture of it all has me fighting whether writing is for me.

However my ultimate bliss is sitting at a table or desk and typing or writing story after story. I love creating characters and making story twists. It’s amazing when the story takes a life of its own and characters direct where they want to go.

I just hope I get my spark back.

Meanwhile I took an editing job. I’m finally putting my college degree to good use. An A.A. in English.