After the 24th of this month, I’ll be down for a while as I’m getting carpel tunnel surgery.

I am frustrated as I was 11,411 words short of my 600,000 word goal for 2023.


I did manage to write something everyday thanks to my boyfriend and writing partner. I love you and thank you my sweetie!

I didn’t finish the projects, but I am currently finish a book that I decided to make more therapy than one project to publish. (I plan to read the projects while I’m down and healing. It may be hard to turn a jar or lift more than a cup of coffee, but maybe I can at least turn a page or scroll down the screen.)

My hopes for 2024 (I’m not giving myself goals)

  • Read at least 10 books (they are not mine) and review then.
  • Read a new story each month and review it
  • Eventually write between 400,000 to 500,000 words
  • Research differences between self and professional publishing
  • Heal my wrist
  • Reread my novels
  • Cut back on notebooks.


It’s been a rough year for my writing. I’ve been fighting several health issues: carpal tunnel, migraines, nausea, depression and anxiety. I’ve been healing from my hysterectomy as well.

Most of my writings had been my therapy as the three therapists this year didn’t do much. The third one at least tried.

On November 27th of this year (2023,) I hit the million word mark.

However the milestone kind of feels mute, empty and a pointless victory, as I do have books written but only one book is technically published. (I pushed it too fast because create space gave me a deadline. It really needs a major edit.)

80% of my writing this year was either lists, spiritual, and therapeutic.

If it wasn’t for my amazing and creative boyfriend, then I wouldn’t have written much creative writing at all.

There have been days where I didn’t write, because of the pain in my hands or throbbing in my head. My headaches were so bad and got worst in the fall. They made my left eye get white dots and what I call sludgy eye fig. It made it hard to read, write or just watch TV. My doctors (talked to more than one) say it’s hormonal or seasonal and caused by dust and dry air.

I’m getting carpal tunnel surgery in January, but I’m not sure about the headaches.

Meanwhile I feel like I’m in a mental prison because I cannot get my ideas out.

But I did get my millionth word. The millionth word was ghosts. It’s irony as I am supernatural and horror writer.

My dream is to publish my books and make a living a creative writer/author. I also want my own podcast and work with on my own spiritual path and the occult.

Camp NaNoWriMo July 2023

I have several hand problems. . . I have had them for years. . .

Warts on my finger that are fighting back. . . .they will not go away. (I had to go to dermatologist just to get very strong cream that has made very sensitive to the sun and has messed up my skin badly. I honestly think that I got them holding a pen that someone else with the HPV virus. . . be careful what you touch. . . It’s been a throbbing, burning, and overall painful process. . . freezing them off is the next step. . . sigh.)

I have a small ganglion cyst, but it’s so small that they cannot do anything, but it feel like it’s pinching nerves up my middle finger. My middle finger twitches by itself which is kind of creepy.

I also have tendinitis and carpal tunnel. . . I wear a brace at night, but if that doesn’t help surgery will be the next option. Sigh. I get throbbing, aching, and sometimes it’s swollen.
Typing hasn’t been too bad. Holding a pen can get tricky, and have moments of spasming and I drop things.

I gave myself 30,000 words in Camp NaNoWriMo: April, but I had gotten sick and only got between 26,000 and 28,000 which wasn’t bad when I didn’t write at least ten days in April.

This past month (June) I did a 15,000 words in seven day and I did succeed in that. Yay!!! I will admit it was two projects that I was working on, but I did get the word count in.

If you asked me twenty years ago about word count . . . I would ask you why are obsessed about that, but publishers want to make sure novellas and novels have a certain amount of words.

My personal goals for Camp NaNoWriMo this time is to get a few of projects from my written word onto the computer and to work on a few other projects for my health and future issues.

I also gave myself a word goal of 30,000 words in 30 days.

Just hope I can keep my goals in spite of my hand issues.

NaNoWriMo 2022 Updates

I had two, technically three projects I was working on in November. I gave myself a personal word count goal of 20,000 words for NaNoWriMo this year as I have been fighting brain fog and writer’s block.

I achieved my 20,000 words by November 9th..

By November 25th, I got 56,877 words …yay!!

I have to thank all those who set up word sprints. They helped me get the most words hand written in a short amount of time..

Yes, I hand wrote two out of three projects. With my colorful pens.

I’m excited about writing again..*Dances*

I hope to keep this up the next month and in 2023.

2022 Goals

I posted those in 2020, and sadly they still fit. . . I just added a few notes.

  • I want to read more. I will make a list of books and stories, I want to read soon. (Stories really need to pull me in. . . It’s hard with my location to simply read. . . I keep getting interrupted.)
  • I want to write more and post on my blogs and writing sites like wattpadd. I also like to find and try some writing contests.
  • I want to research publishers. I also want to look into self-publishing.
  • I need to edit and get Driving Lies out for more readers.
  • I need to finish book 2 of my Vampire or work on Book 4 and 5 which the vampire war.
  • I have better writing patterns and no more writer’s block! I want to work more with my boyfriend and finish a project or two.
  • I also want to have at least one blog on each of my blogs each month.
  • My word count goal is 500,000. I know it’s less than years before but I need to focus on the publishing part, not writing. Writing is my bliss, but is it worth anything if no one reads it?

Some where I also have to find time to exercise as well.

Things I have learned (so far)

I have been editing on two projects (technically, three projects if you count my therapy as well.) And I have learned a few things this month.

  1. I need to keep my goals more realistic. (I have been fighting depression and heal issues and with my other responsibilities, I have to make sure some things get done before I can edit. My original goal was 60 to 75 editing hours, I will be thrilled with reaching 50 hours by March 31st. I’m so close to at 45 hours and 20 minutes.)
  2. As I have said before, editing is more work to me, and I need to really be focused. It can really strain me. (However if I enjoy what I am editing, it’s not so bad. I have been easily distracted, grrr.)
  3. When I edit, I have to have a reason to add, subject, or simply change something.
  4. There are so many rules for commas. They can change the meaning of the statement.
  5. Semi-colons and colons can be tricky. I like to use them a bit for lists, and to make two simple statements a bit more complex.
  6. Writing is my bliss. Even just a simple blog like this.
  7. I think it’s best for my brain and happiness, if I can somehow rotate my writing and editing.

I am excited as I hope to work on a few projects with Camp NaNoWriMo in April and work on a walking program/schedule. I need to balance my computer work and get some exercise.

So my goal for today, dinner is in the crock pot (BBQ pulled ribs), get coffee, edit a few hours, and work on my other blogs.

Editing Rewards

I will admit I am a writer, and creating the story or typing up the blog is my bliss. However rereading and editing is a chore to me. Edit is the work that instantly drains me, so I have to give myself rewards. I also can only editor so long or I instantly get drained for days or simply burnt out. I mention that this month (March) I am working on editing several projects.



Even this evening, I edited for 2 hours and 50 minutes. . . 50 minutes over my daily goal. I rather be ahead in case I get a day or two where I am just so drained that I cannot focus.

I am surprised that I even found the energy to edit today.

Rewards for editing
1. New Pens
2. Candy
3. Hair dye
4. New diary
5. New Coffee Creamer
6. Mountain Dew
7. Notebooks
8. Tarot reading
9. Mediation breaks
10. Writing breaks: blogging, stories etc
11. Go for a walk
12. Play with my kitty
13. Play Online Games
14. Watch You tube
15. Movie
16. Making Amazon wish list
17. Online time.
18. Make favorite meal
19. Write with friends
20. Listen to music

NaNoEdMo Me. . . 2021

NaNoWriMo (November) has been going on for well over ten year (as this will be my 11th year).
Many of the years in March they had NaNoEdMo. . . I believe 2019 was the last year I knew of it.
I am editing myself for 50 plus hours in the Month of March.. . if others join awesome.

I’ve had writer’s block off and on for over a year now. I think maybe editing a project or two might hit a spark.

I have two major projects I am working on this March 2021
1. My friend Jade her story. . . Chapter 10 Ten and up. . . I have been working on it since August.
2. My Driving Lies Book 2. There are at least ten chapters.

Goals. . . at least 1.66 hours to 2 hours a day. (50 to 62 hours total)

The thing is editing to me is the work/chore part of writing. Creating the story is my bliss, but correcting my mess is well. . . work. I am giving myself a goal.

(If I get over 75 hours of editing . . . I will make myself an Easter basket.)

NaNoEdMo: March 2021

I have been doing NaNoWriMo. . . http://www.nanowrimo.org/ (National Novel Writing Month ) in November

The writing camps: April and July. . . I have been doing these for ten years and eight of them I have gotten the goal.

I also did something called NaNoEdMo. . . (National Novel Editing Month) in March; however, I cannot find it anymore, so I am thinking of doing my own. Esspecially now that I have a working computer.

In thirty-one days. . . to get fifty Hours of editing, which is just under one hour- forty minutes a day. If I edit in two hour sessions. . . It would be sixty-two hours. I just need to think of rewards for getting it done.

I have been having writer’s block. I am still editing for a friend when I can. I thought why not go through a few of my old projects and edit them too.

NaNoEdMo. . . was on the following sites. . .

But none of these sites work.

Even their twitter stopped 2018. . . Shrugs

(I will admit I love and live to creatively write, and editing is the responsible work that has to be done. But I need to do it. . . it’s like cleaning up the trash from an awesome party. We need to make the house clean and presentable.)

I also notice that I have been going crazy with the . . . I need to work on that. I think it is helping me to end a sentence, but my brain is stuttering.

I know I did it a few years ago and succeeded.

This article explains more about NaNoEdMo. . .https://www.squibler.io/blog/nanoedmo-nanowrimo/

So I plan to edit in March 2021. . .

Goals for 2021

Goals for 2021

  1. Word Count is 600,000 (I am going to try it again. . . on average 50, 000 words per month. . . )
  2. 30 days of ideas. . .
    1. 30 days of Poems
    2. 30 days of things to be grateful for
    3. 30 days of random things of my love/ happiness
    4. 30 days of prompts
    5. 30 days of Prayers
  3. Week of short stories ( on two different accounts)
  4. Journaling for self (and therapy)
  5. Get into some writing contests
  6. Publish Driving Lies Trilogy
  7. Make writing friends (But not get hit on by random people or bots)
  8. Work on my health issues
  9. Get majority of my hand written words typed up
  10. Research (very long list)
  11. Working my spirituality and mediation