Goals for 2021

Goals for 2021

  1. Word Count is 600,000 (I am going to try it again. . . on average 50, 000 words per month. . . )
  2. 30 days of ideas. . .
    1. 30 days of Poems
    2. 30 days of things to be grateful for
    3. 30 days of random things of my love/ happiness
    4. 30 days of prompts
    5. 30 days of Prayers
  3. Week of short stories ( on two different accounts)
  4. Journaling for self (and therapy)
  5. Get into some writing contests
  6. Publish Driving Lies Trilogy
  7. Make writing friends (But not get hit on by random people or bots)
  8. Work on my health issues
  9. Get majority of my hand written words typed up
  10. Research (very long list)
  11. Working my spirituality and mediation

Things Accomplished in 2020

Things accomplished in 2020. . .

  1. I did write 558,174 words in 2020 (Goal was 600,000 words.)
  2. I wrote in both Camp NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo https://Nanowrimo.org
  3. Overcome writers block (Thanks to my boyfriend and writing partner)
  4. 30 days of poems https://rqshortstories.wordpress.com/
  5. 30 days of things I am Grateful for https://spiritualbeck.wordpress.com/
  6. I become emotionally stronger
  7. I learned that my prayers do get answered
  8. I made sure everyone had good birthdays and holidays (I learned that Karma does work.)

100 Word Story Challeng

I had a challenge to write a 100 word story without using the word “The.”

It’s a bit of a challenge. . .

I’ve had depression and it has a caused a major writer’s block. However with this virus and the must “stay-in” issue. . . I thought I would take this challenge. Not once but twice. . . once in first person and second story in third person. . .

Story 1. Writer’s Block Mock (Note: There is cuss words in this story, Pg-13, you have warned.)

I struggle facing that damn white screen—it mocks me—

“You cannot write–
You have no talent. It ran out, like water down a drain. You wasted it away sitting in front that idiot box.
You need to get off your lazy ass and a real job.”

I growl at that blaring screen as it is laughing at me. It knows what I know which is . . . I have nothing. It knows all of my ideas in my head are tangled like a ball of fuzzy yarn that my cat destroyed. It is simple. I just write.

Story 2. Corona Virus: Average Jane (This is Fictional)

She sits in her room. She stares at her TV. It plays another dramatic story. . . some girl likes some guy who doesn’t want commitment. Same story, different day.
She knows she is in lockdown . . . her TV blares another show.

It has not even been an entire week and she forgotten what day is it. Is it Wednesday or Saturday? All she knows is that she is locked in her room waiting . . . for what? She is not exactly sure.
She just does not want to hear some more news of numbers and biology.

While stuck in with Coronavirus

I have had major writer’s block since mid-November and the longer I have gone with it, the less and less I feel like myself. I have tried writing different things and exercise (walks) and nothing has worked that much. 

Then over the past few weeks, the Coronavirus has really made the news. I think we are just days from all being stuck inside for a while. I feel within days even weeks, we will be stuck inside for a while. I hope you have ideas for self-entertainment/ amusement.
I will admit most of us are freaked out as our average days have suddenly changed. We have had nothing like this in history.  

I will tell you something . . . for the other writers out there blocked like me, please write about your experience.  I plan to write on my own. . . even if you don’t have the virus, should write on how the experience has changed your life or maybe even way of thinking.  We are all going through a very unique moment of history that can be more documented that ever before. (Yes, we have had viruses, plagues and other sickness, but not where we are connected to each simply by the Internet and phone.) 

A few things you can do while you have extra time. . . 

  1. A new writing project (for all of those writers out there)
  2. Netflix or youtube or hulu binges
  3. Read a book or two or ten
  4. Facebook group (please avoid the drama)
  5. Create your own website
  6. Exercise
  7. Paint or color
  8. Learn a new skill: cooking, baking, dance etc
  9. Cook a new dish
  10. Clean out your house
  11. Self-cation or stay-ation. . . It’s like a vacation but in your house. . . pampering yourself. . . bath, favorite music, relaxing do your own favorite things. 

I will give a secret of mine for all those who are depressed, anxious, worried, upset etc. . . . and seriously need counseling or simply an extra person to talk to. https://www.7cups.com really helps me. Please use this site seriously. This situation is very new and scary for a lot of people. . . and depression and anxiety are very serious things. 

3 AM I Ideas

So my sleep schedule is off. . . it is now 3 am in the morning.

I was scanning my facebook main page. . . as one of my many distraction as lately.

There was a post to share the link of your first published book.

Here’s my link. . .


The Whispering Path. (2011)

It was even under my old pen name Rebekah Wolveire

It hit me . . . I know I need to reedit and rewrite (after eight years of learning of the writing career and how to better your novels and such etc). I plan to write and reedit this book and make an e-book this summer.

So this is what happens to me at 3 am in the morning.

So please look for  The Whispering Path in the Summer of 2019. (As long as I do not get distracted.)

Weird Amusing Bumps

I have been on a some very weird, amusing bumps on my current writing path.

I normally write about ghost stories, vampire luring karmic victims, abandoned places, and urban legends. I enjoy the horror, the dark lust, the karmic justice, and just the decent history of a good ghost story. Why did the dark evil beings simply become that way . . .

However lately my muses have me writing a light mystery romance.
I’m not sure why? I think I am the least romantic person I know.
I’m practical. . . I rather have a bouquet of pens or candy, not flowers. I HATE to dress up. I refuse to wear make-up or heels.

 If a guy can’t accept me for me, then he can just go away. (I don’t need another disappointment in my life.)


I’m getting off my point. I’m working on a romance story, kind of.  However my characters are on two different paths, which is not really a problem I am worried about. BUT. . .   I had to write a scene in which I argued with muses and tried for days to avoid. I had to kill my main female character’s cat. (I’m a huge cat lover and yet my muses said: the cat escaped, things like that happen, and it to build my characters closer.)

I did finally caved in. I didn’t let my muses get detailed thank God, but it was a simple phone call that I toyed over for days. Once I let my muses take over, it was written in less than hour and the band-aid was off and the main male character comforted her.

However has this happened to other writers? Have you avoid muses or a scene because it simply made you feel bad or comfortable?


I feel I am growing as writer and simply as person for facing it. I feel I am looking at it from the villain and hero perspective.

Maybe I’m practicing romance for scenes in my vampire novels., fanged monsters can love too.

Note: I do plan to post this light mystery romance story on my wattpadd. (Links on my pinned blog page)


Links to my pages


Writing is my number 1 passion. I write short stories, poems, novels, and blogs. Genres I’m interested in are but not limited to . . . Horror, paranormal, occult, spiritual, romance, modern, suspense, thriller and drama. (I have worked with some erotica, but with another pen name.)

These are the links to all of Internet me (but the naughty part)

Facebook page








Smash words


Deviant art


Good Reads


Old LiveJournal


Fan fiction.net


Nanowrimo profile




My health blog

My Cooking Blog

My WordPress blogs







The Whispering Path my first attempt at a novel


Her Path to Hell


Normally, these get posted on my blog site http://rqshortstories.wordpress.com However I clicked on the wrong blog. I’m working a few short stories over the weekend to wake my muses up for Camp Nanowrimo July.

Now onto the fictional story. . .



She shouldn’t have done it. Stress killed her rational thought, while she was still shattered and crushed from the breakup. She was in pain and still helped him. It was just type of person she was . . .loyal and devoted.

One half of her family yelling at her feeling used, but it was not her intension. It was never her intent, but she is not going back to the looks of bitter disappointment and half yelling lectures of being used with half rolled eyes watching her on her knees while telling her “we told you so.”
She also was not going to cause wedges between members, so she left and didn’t look back. It was best for everyone. She just didn’t know she was going down the dark path.

Everyone yelling at doctors. . . specialist telling everyone different things. Some days she had three or less hours of sleep. She was sleeping in the hallways of the hospital waiting for answer. Then a weak voice ask to go home, and he listened to her advice. The final few days everything declined making her feel like a useless liar.
He left the earthly realm, and so did part of her heart and soul. She felt empty and purposeless. She was simply a walking hallow shell of a human. The dim light of her soul barely sparked, and she bared got out of bed. So many pushed her, encouraged her, but by the time she woke up and everyone was gone. They all moved on with their own lives. She instantly felt lost and alone.

Drama with landlord. . . rules upon rules, she felt like she was in a prison not a rental. There was a prison of her heart and mind locked in her cautious and scared soul. She was locked with “what ifs” for bars. The endless verbal rules made her even more alone. . .
No cats, shoo away the stray cats, fees if you feed them, no guests after ten, payments by third, keep windows close, don’t talk to neighbors in the middle of the sidewalk, do not discuss rent prices.

Soon she just locked herself away until one day the nightmares got louder, scarier, and more confusing.
So she ran, but turned the wrong way. The lifted truck came out of nowhere, she had no chance. Secretly, she didn’t want one.

Extreme scream pain coursed throughout her body with seconds, and then instant black numbing silence.
She waited in a line only to greeted by her ex with the words “What are you doing here?”

Then he begins to step back and panic. . . “It’s too early, you are not supposed to here.” A siren blares hard and like a mixture of flat angels singing blended into bitter souls screaming and slowed aged bells.
“Oh God, gun, what did you do?” his eyes got large in terror as armored angels grabbed her both sides and pulled her out of line.
“You are the wrong location, miss.”

They drug her away and pushed her into a slide. . . whispering words and thoughts twisted.. . .it was bright turned into a redness, crimson shadow into a darker blackness. . .lacking light and warmth. Whispering word of gossip and lies turned into harsh shrieking, blood curdling screams.
She landed on a hard black slab or cold rock. The only thing she could hear was the arguing bitterness and cries of old friends and separated family blaming each other for her death. . .

Time went by . . she wasn’t sure how much because she was alone in her darkness with her past playing over and over in her head.

Finally there was a candle. . .although it was a dim light it was enough to burn her delicate eyes. Her head felt as if someone drilled a screw in her head through her eyes. She squinted and lowered her eyes to the harsh yet dim flame lighting most of the room.
Then a slim man walks into the room, she saw his dirty feet. She looked at him and instantly looked up and memories of her childhood crush replayed in her head.
He was still beautiful with his dirty skin and greasy hair. For one second she was stunned. . .
Until said “no, I cannot do this.” There was no sorry just a look of unattractive disgust.



At that moment, she knew she was in hell.

For my other short stories http://rqshortstories.wordpress.com

Camp Nanowrimo July Survival list

Every year in Nanowrimo forums they always ask you what is your survival list. . . Things you need to get through the month of writing your Camp Nanowrimo project.

  • Outlines
  • Notes
  • Character sketches

Most of this is my notebooks

  • Colorful pens
  • Tyneol (between hand cramps and headache)
  • Empty notebooks
  • Backpack (so I can take my writing every where I go.)

As I am writing 30,000 words by hand

  • Calendar (for word count and appointment)
  • Coffee with my creamer
  • Caffeinated soda (I write weird hours)
  • Candy or a treat (word sprints can wear you out)
  • Timer or clock for word sprints
  • Mom to go on walks with. . . (Too much writing can strain my eyes)

I’m keeping it simple this year.

Writing Challenges (possible fixes)

  • Internet which can be a list of distractions
  • Chatting
  • Gaming
  • Facebook stuff
  • Blogging
  • Looking websites
  • Emailing
  • Personals

(I can give myself internet time for reward for reaching a certain number count. Note: buy a timer or use a timer on tablet.)

  • TV

(Writing sprints during commercials if show doesn’t re-air. If the show re-airs, then watch it later, write first.)

  • Health
  • Depression/anxiety/worry (write out feelings)
  • Nightmare or dreams (twisted them into stories)
  • Sleep issues (if you can focus write or write notes)
  • Pelvic pain (see a doctor soon.)
  • Hands: swollen/ painful joints (Writing sprints and take breaks)
  • Errand (bring notebook for notes, scenes outlines etc.)
  • Friends (notebooks or write before or after visit.)

Note: not I have possible fixes there are no excuses