NaNoEdMo: March 2021

I have been doing NaNoWriMo. . . (National Novel Writing Month ) in November

The writing camps: April and July. . . I have been doing these for ten years and eight of them I have gotten the goal.

I also did something called NaNoEdMo. . . (National Novel Editing Month) in March; however, I cannot find it anymore, so I am thinking of doing my own. Esspecially now that I have a working computer.

In thirty-one days. . . to get fifty Hours of editing, which is just under one hour- forty minutes a day. If I edit in two hour sessions. . . It would be sixty-two hours. I just need to think of rewards for getting it done.

I have been having writer’s block. I am still editing for a friend when I can. I thought why not go through a few of my old projects and edit them too.

NaNoEdMo. . . was on the following sites. . .,

But none of these sites work.

Even their twitter stopped 2018. . . Shrugs

(I will admit I love and live to creatively write, and editing is the responsible work that has to be done. But I need to do it. . . it’s like cleaning up the trash from an awesome party. We need to make the house clean and presentable.)

I also notice that I have been going crazy with the . . . I need to work on that. I think it is helping me to end a sentence, but my brain is stuttering.

I know I did it a few years ago and succeeded.

This article explains more about NaNoEdMo. . .

So I plan to edit in March 2021. . .

2019 Vs 2020

Day is 1-1-2020. (1 1 2020.. . .it’s cool)

Anyway. . . I have learned that I didn’t accomplish as many of my writing goals that I wanted to . . . My Blog 2018 Vs 2019

However I have been working on me. . . . my health, and some other personal projects. I do want to publish more than anything, but if I am not healthy and strong, I cannot get anything decent out on screen. (I finally got a cpap machine and more oxygen when I sleep does wonders for my energy level, but it took months to get patterns working.)

I also had participated in NaNoWriMo this year, but I did not get the goal of 50,000 words. . . I barely made 30 or 35K. . . However I did achieve my writing goals for both Camp NaNoWriMo this year. . . I have had writer’s block since mid-November. . . I just lost steam. (However I am very grateful for a good friend of mine that has been keeping my writing brain working with our own fun, creative stories.)

I did manage manage to get 136, 975 words more this year than last year. . .

2019 final word count was 689, 921 (Just 61,079 short of my hopeful goal of 750,000 words.)

I wrote 155 blogs this year. . .  (I wanted to write 300 blogs, but I focused on several novels this year and my health which took up more time and energy than planned.)
The links to all of my blogs are on here. . . I have my link list pinned to the top of this blog. I also wrote stories on wattpadd. I hope to write a few more this year.

I didn’t publish anything, but I did finish my Thriller trilogy Driving Lies. I have been working with fellow writing friends and beta readers.

I also realized that I have found a new love. . . coffee with fancy creamers in it.  (because of this, I have cut back majority on my soda intake. However I still love Pepsi too just not as much. . . between cutting back and the walks I take, I have lost 17 pounds. Yay!)

Goals I have for 2020. . .

  • I want to read more. I will make a list of books and stories, I want to read soon.
  • I want  to write more and post on my blogs and writing sites like wattpadd.
  • I want to research publishers.
  • I need to edit and get Driving Lies out for more readers.
  • I need to finish book 2 of my Vampire or work on Book 4 and 5 which the vampire war.
  • I have better writing patterns and no more writer’s block!


Nanowrimo 2019

It’s November 22nd, and I have about just over 20k words written.

I know with my physical and mental health issues that I am not going to push 30k in less than ten days.

However I’m not taking this as a failure, but as lessons learned.

I have learned that when working with a friend, I have to reorganize my time better.

I also have realized even though my walks are good for me, and getting out is good for me, they both take energy that I would have used for my writing. I need to exercise, write, talk with friends for my mental health.

It is all about balance.

I also realized that this character, in book two, does not want his story told just yet. I’m thinking maybe even going out of straight storline tell the stories out of order.

I’m rereading Melzela, tweaking her and getting that book published.

I am also making December my month and ending 2019 for me. I declare by end of 2020, I will be a professional published author. I’m determined. (Note: I do have to thank several people for my confidence and hope on my work again. One of them is a really good friend of mine.)

I plan to work on writing and if I add it my Nanowrimo that is awesome, but just getting writing in.

I learned that it’s just good to get a story out, word count is not always tat important.

I am participating in the Writing Contest: You are Enough, hosted by Positive Writer.


Hello. I’m Rebekah Quinne. I’m a horror, paranormal, and thriller writer.

Some background on me: I started to write for myself in fifth grade. Most of my favorite teachers are English teachers. They have always encouraged me to read and write and in doing so, I found of a love of writing. I mean while other kids were outside at recess playing kick ball or causing drama of who liked who, I was writing.  Even in high school, I always had extra note notebook and always had at least one writing project in my head.


Every writer has problems and issues. I fight my demons (my doubts) while I write. . . Common arguments. . .

“What is the point?”

  • The point is that I love to write. I can clean the entire house, make three course meal, do all of our errands in one day, and if I do not write, then I do not feel productive. My day is down when I have writer’s block for a day; but I feel I’m just wasting time if I have several days of writer’ block. I feel like there is a void of me, if I do not write.
  • It is my escape. Sometime a day is simply boring: you get up, get coffee, work, come home, clean, sleep and do it all over again. When I write, I can do anything: mountain climb, fly, have a pet shark etc.
  • I’m a story teller, and I always have a story to tell. I believe I was a bard in another life (I am also musically inclined). I am creative and love expressing myself with all art, especially writing. When I write, I am god: I love to create characters, worlds, problems, and drama. I decide if the day is sunny, if there is tornado, or if one of my characters falls in love, or even dies. I love having the creative control.
    I also put myself in my creation, each character I make has some element of me. So in some way, by reading my work, you are seeing into pieces of my soul.


 “You’re not good enough!” They fight that I will never be like Stephen King, Anne Rice, J. K. Rowling etc.

The truth is you never know until you simply try. I have no idea if I’m truly good enough until I write, edit, and get my books out there.
The best thing I can do is simply try. I cannot hit a homerun, unless I get up to the plate.


“You’re only going to get rejected!”

I had a good friend of mine told me that I had get my work out there. He had been rejected several times, but I knew his work was good. You just have to dust off and reapply to someone else.

Stephen King’s Carrie got rejected over 10 or 30 times (I hear different numbers.)

J.K. Rowling was rejected 12 times with Harry Potter.

Anne Rice was rejected 5 times with Interview with a Vampire.

Here is a link of many authors that and even the greatest books have gotten rejected.


“You write too much!”

Ha. Ha! There is NO such thing as a writer writing too much! I know even if I overwrite, I can always cut down in the edit.

There is not enough time in the day to get out all of the things that are in my head.


Just a few pieces of advice. . .

  • I get easily distracted, especially by the Internet. So when I want to write, I try to go to place with no wifi or I turn my wifi off.
  • During moments when I am struggling on a scene, I simply go to a scene in which I want to write or I start with a strong scene. I used to think that I have to write book from beginning to ending, but that is not how my muses work. Sometimes I get pieces, and I have to rewrite scenes to make the pieces work.
  • As much as I like to write alone, I have learned that writing in a group or with a partner can be just as much fun. I have several friends that have kept me creative, taught me how to write decent twists, and how to be a better person and better writer. I love playing RPGs and role-playing online with my friends as they keep my mind working and my ideas fresh. So I cannot say that my writing process is completely solo. I also ask my friends for opinions on scenes or chapters in my novels, as I feel they are going to be honest with me. I appreciate that I have creative and honest friends who encourage my writing.
  • My other suggestion is read, especially the genre you are writing. It can be inspiring and it can show you want publisher want.
  • I agree with Anne Rice write about what hurts and what pleasures you.


Writing is every day journey in which I have greatly enjoyed—I have killed a lot of pens and used a pages, but I feel the world needs more readers, writers, and storytellers.

I hope with my stories, I can make the future readers laugh, cry, be entertained, and most of all, turn the page.

Please enjoy my blog: I keep update on here of my writings and I have links to all of my blogs and other works.

Please keep reading and enjoy.

Rebekah Quinne.









Word Challenge update

Last Saturday, July 20th, I participate in a the 10k in 24 hour word writing challenge.

I read about from this blog,

I did not get 10 k, but I got 5,845 words on my thriller novel trilogy. I am almost finished with book, the first draft of the thriller trilogy and I got caught up with my Camp Nanowrimo word count.

I had been fighting depression and home issues, so I was behind. I think because of that challenge will get my goal 30k word count this month.

Its 23 and I have about seven days. . . my two goals are reaching my 30,000 word count and finishing my novel.

I really think I can do this and when I do I redye my hair purple again. Yay.

Camp NaNoUpdate

I have been dealing with anxiety and depression, and it has been very hard on my body and mind. This means my writing has been suffering.

I have changed my project from Family project to short stories. . . If an idea inspires me, then I write it down. Then I just accumulate the word count of each story. I might post some on my flash fiction blog. . .

I am also not pushing myself. (I had one break down and lost entire weekend to depression, reoccurring mono and sleep.)

I gave myself 30,000 words as a goal. If I make it, awesome. If I do not make it, then I can try again in November.

I hope just get some decent stories written, at this point word count is as it is.

Endings, again.

I’m trying to type up the last chapter on the last novella of my thriller trilogy “Driving Lies,” and I feel like my feet are stuck in the mud.

I wrote about this once before. Actually it was funny, because it was when I was actually handwriting the ending to this exact project.

The thing is once I know this is done, then I have to edit this project. I’m horrible with editing. I’m a writer, not an editor. I realize that editors are so expensive.

I need a good edit before I show an agent or a publishing company.

I think I’m so afraid of rejection from these companies that I am purposefully holding myself back.

Question to my nervous self: What if they really like my work?

Camp NaNoWriMo July 2019

I am writing in Camp NaNoWriMo this month.

I gave myself the goal of 30,000 words.

I am working on a nonfiction piece of family stories.

(However with my depression and anxiety, it may get changed.)

However I have to do everything by hand. My battery charger dropped and is now magnetic and is causing our other units from charging when they are pulled in. So I’m thinking of selling my laptop and getting another. Grrrr.

Camp is no hands on.

Driving Lies Summary

Driving Lies


This novella trilogy by Rebekah Quinne goes back and forth in a dangerous two-way street of bitter-growing foes. It’s head to head action told from the mind of an exploring, youthful ever-learning young woman (Neve), and a mechanically slow-degrading man who slowly losing everything in his life (Jake).

Neve, a young, new-world exploring woman that knows the man who was in her family’s’ lives was up to no good. It was really driving her crazy.

Jake, a frustrated man who his mechanically skills to aide him in eliminating those who have gotten in his way of his ruined plans. He uses all tools and mechanical skills around him to get what he wants.

However Neve knows that this man is up to no good. She also knows he is dangerous with any car.

This is cutting edge thriller trilogy that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It will take the reader on one wild ride. . . . better buckle up!