After the 24th of this month, I’ll be down for a while as I’m getting carpel tunnel surgery.

I am frustrated as I was 11,411 words short of my 600,000 word goal for 2023.


I did manage to write something everyday thanks to my boyfriend and writing partner. I love you and thank you my sweetie!

I didn’t finish the projects, but I am currently finish a book that I decided to make more therapy than one project to publish. (I plan to read the projects while I’m down and healing. It may be hard to turn a jar or lift more than a cup of coffee, but maybe I can at least turn a page or scroll down the screen.)

My hopes for 2024 (I’m not giving myself goals)

  • Read at least 10 books (they are not mine) and review then.
  • Read a new story each month and review it
  • Eventually write between 400,000 to 500,000 words
  • Research differences between self and professional publishing
  • Heal my wrist
  • Reread my novels
  • Cut back on notebooks.

Perfect Writing Space

You get to build your perfect space for reading and writing. What’s it like?

I have written about this before.

New Year. . . New Look. . .

It really had not changed all that much.

I want L shape desk. I want comfy computer chair.

On the walls, I would put my art.

I need a printer as I like to print out and edit with red pen.

I would also want book shelves and file cabinets..

I would want a space for a future podcast.

Things I’ve learned in 2022

  1. I get distracted easily (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and phone games, even coloring … when I should be writing.) 
  2. Most …I mean 90%of Instagram is fake people and scammers. It seems like everyone is out for money.
  3. I’m obsessed with health research. Google chrome is my search engine of choice. (It’s a distraction as well.) 
  4. My complex hyperplasia was dire and half of my extreme female problems were caused by it. My hysterectomy went well physically as I have more energy and less brain fog, but I’m still working on mental and emotional issues (more on health blog: https://rebekahs.health.blog/
  5. I’m now 40 years old and my social circle is practically non-existent. (I hope to change it next year.) 
  6. Expect less from most people. They can still shock and devastate me though. (More about that in my spiritual blog: https://spiritualbeck.wordpress.com/)
  7. Life is short: you never know when your time is up. A friend of mine passed on unexpectedly, and I hope she is resting in peace. 
  8. Enjoy what you can: writing is my Bliss. Without my brain fog so thick, I can focus and write more. 
  9. I know more than anything I want to be with my guy and write together for a living. 
  10. It’s easy to keep things simple. Don’t let possession rule your life. 

Good bye Instagram

I’m a bit disappointed.. As a writer and artist, I’ve been slowly trying to build my network for my writings and my art.

One of the things in 2023 I’m doing … is getting rid of Instagram. I even gave it a very low rating of two stars . . . During the year 2022, it has gotten worse. 

I used to go to Instagram for posting links to my blogs, (like this one,) and posting pictures I colored and some I even drew. 

I also enjoy cat and panda videos, sarcastic memes, and Pagan tips. 

However I keep getting “single fathers” who think it’s a personal page, or fake “psychics” who say my ancestors say I must have a reading.

They are all scams!

The single fathers are always from one place but live another, and their beloved wife died of cancer or car accident. (Just like in the show Catfish, they notice fakes, use “C” words too.) They claim to have a kid to get sympathy. They also ignore the fact I’m happily taken. They try to get you in another chat and then try to get money or scam with gift cards to pay for their “phone.” The scam is that they use the card and then complain that there was no money on the card to get their “money” back …. 

The fake psychic/ reader scam: they all say the same thing….I am blessed, but Ihave a spiritual blockage, curse, or a dark cloud over me, and I need a cleansing or spell to clear it for an extra charge. It was usually caused by witchcraft as I was a baby or child. This is a scam.

 Please note: there are real psychics and readers out there, but they will not approach you on Instagram. I have several real psychics and readers that I watch on YouTube who have Instagrams and even they say on the video, they use fansonly and patron pages for paid readings. 

I understand Bitcoin and Illuminati are out there, but I’m not interested as well. (Note:There are scams with both of those too.)

Note: even Norton has an article about scams on Instagram. https://us.norton.com/blog/online-scams/instagram-scams

Now over the past several days I have been getting rude people. WTF….. today I got told I’m not real and told to leave. It’s bad when the fake people get rude, because I’m NOT falling for their native gullible bait. 

What is sad is that I just wanted to show off my art and writings and maybe make an online friend or two. I guess I’ll go on my Deviant Art or Facebook for that. 

I gave Instagram a two star rating, the cat and bear video saved a star. However there are maybe 10% of “real” people and the majority of those are artists, writers or those selling jewelry and other things. I hope the real people on there are not getting harassed with scammers like I was. (Note: not every American is rich. I even posted this on my profile and tagged it Scammers don’t read your profile.)

I hope Instagram gets a process were they can catch the scammers and may karma give the scammer their just desserts. 

Trying NaNoWriMo 2022

And other updates…..

I’ve been fighting health issues and writers block all year.. if it wasn’t for therapy and writing with my boyfriend, I wouldn’t have been writing at all.

I had Hyperplasia that changed from simple to complex and I needed to get a partial hysterectomy which I got in September. I will have more details on my blog https://rebekahs.health.blog/

I have two projects I want to do this November.

Fictional: Vortex it’s about a haunted motel that is cursed and must have sacrifices or bad things happen.

Nonfiction: my story about dealing with not being able to create. It’s my own therapy.

This month is getting busier….with chores, errands, blood work, and doctor appointments….I know I will probably not get 50,000 words in..

I’m giving myself a personal goal of 20,000 words.

I’m also hand writing. It’s easier for me to simply take my notebook than a computer than needs charger frequently.

I hope I do well.

It’s been a while..

It’s been a while since I have been writing. . . I will admit this kills me deep down. I will admit I miss my characters and my worlds. (I have so many excuses in my head to why I do not write, but biggest one is my health. . . exhaustion, no focus, discomfort, and the bit of energy I do have goes into cooking.)

I get maybe a good day, maybe two out of a month. I try to get some writing when I can. However I haven’t really gotten any thing finished or started for that matter.

I’ve tried to write in Camp NaNoWriMo in April, but I couldn’t focus, and I was fighting exhaustion.

In January-March I did post a short story in a contest, but I didn’t win. I am trying to work on a contest on http://www.bardsy.com/

However. I can only get a bit out and I get distracted or exhaustion or both, grrrr.


If it wasn’t for my amazing, creative, patient boyfriend, I may not be writing almost daily at all. Yes, he is real. (I’ve had several ask.)


(I do not normally post this stuff on this blog. . . here is a blog about my health. . . https://rebekahs.health.blog/ if you want to keep up. . . )

My health issues. . .




Between my PCOS, my diabetic meds, (side effects are crazy), and scheduling therapist and doctors for my hysterectomy. . . I am get exhausted and overwhelmed so easily. I have complex hyperplasia, and if I do nothing it can get cancerous. No one wants that.
I am really fighting health physical and mental. I was okay, until my doctors said I need a hysterectomy. I’m 39 years old and have no kids. I’ve also had writer’s block for several years.

I will post more about it in my health blog. I’m sorry that I haven’t been on here more. I hope to write more soon.

Things I have learned in 2021

  1. It’s hard to write when you cannot focus due to pain and health issues. . . I have PCOS, arthritis, gout pain, and depression. I have been trying my best and my boyfriend did help me write a few stories just to get out of my head. I managed to write 504,551 words. . . diary, blog, stories, lists etc. It averaged 42,046 words per month. (It wasn’t my goal of 600,000 words, but I am impressed that I got that many.)
  2. Writing and my boyfriend are my bliss. It’s a double bonus that I get to write with him.
  3. I’ve learned that I need to be comfortable to get my writing done or I regret writing awkwardly and get extra pain, and then I am down for several days.
  4. I write better when I sleep well. (Some nights are better than the others; I noticed I am usually tired by 7 -9 at night.)
  5. I am trying to get inspired by everything around me. . . including my inner demons and my locations to inspire my work.
    I am even thinking of writing a health blog. https://rebekahs.health.blog/

New Book Review

Over the last few weeks, I have been reading the book The Spiritual Meaning of Numbers by Belle Motley https://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Meanings-Numbers-Synchronicities-Manifestation-ebook/dp/B097P69SYT/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=1V5AHO8ZMKGCF&keywords=belle+motley&qid=1638387104&sprefix=belle+motley%2Caps%2C185&sr=8-1
(Amazon link.)

If you go to her site you get a free gift. http://www.bellemotley.com/
I am a fan of free gifts.

This book pulls my attention, because I keep seeing repeating numbers: with the clock, my games, even repeating numbers in my tarot reading. I would see 11:11, 1:11, 2:22 etc.

I also have seen and still see a few random numbers often: 8:17, 5:16, and 9:13. Now 5:16 and 8:17 are the birthdays of those I know are deceased. I know that they are watching over me. However I have been seeing the repeating numbers on my clock for months. I am curious as to why I keep seeing these numbers.

I have always been interested in numerology. In this book, you can break down your birthday and your full name and find many different things about yourself.

This book is written at an advanced level: it reminds me a bit of a college level textbook. It is fun and very interactive. She is very knowledgeable in her angel numbers. It is a good resource to have for those who need to know the meaning of numbers. Numbers have their own language, I believe spirits and angels both try to communicate to us with numbers.

She even explains how to meditate and pray to communicate back with the angels and spirit guides. This would be a very good resource to have on your virtual bookshelf.   

I enjoyed how she explained that you can break down multi-digits for example. . . I see 9:13 I have seen that on my clock off and on for years, ever since I was a kid. What is very weird is that my numerology numbers are 1, 3, and 9, weird huh?

9 (cause) Give to receive, completion of cycle, (Sagitarius) Letters (I, R)

1 (core) beginning, move forward (Aries) letters (A, J, S)

3 (effect) Express yourself and release (Gemini) letters (C, L, U)

Other combination. . . .91, 13, 93, 19, 31, 39, (Note: I’ll actually be 39 within the next few weeks, on the 13th, so this is even more bizarre.)

NaNOWriMo 2021

It was eleven years ago from years that I had first decided to do the writing challenge.

Ten years and at least sixteen challenges (including writing camps) later …. 786,631 words were written.

Many of the challenges, I was victorious. I’ve done it through migraines, carpal tunnel, and other illnesses.

This year I will admit I am rebelling.

My goal is only 25,000 words. However I have two projects I need to finish getting on the computer and that my priority first.

I have enjoyed the challenge, the word sprints, the hot cocoa and candy with writing.

I still plan to do NaNOWriMo as long as they have it.


My NaNoWriMo profile, always seeking writing friends

My Bliss and Camp NaNoWriMo

There is something about sitting at my computer and just typing.

Sometimes I have my music on and just let my reality slip away.

The moments in which I focus on my characters and stories. It’s great!

It’s my bliss. . . I miss it.

I miss how I can just escape and yet create.
I am just so distracted and fighting pain whether it’s physical or mental. . .
I keep giving myself stupid excuses not to write.

I need to really write soon. I am trying my best to do Camp NaNoWriMo in July.

I have carpal tunnel and its very common with writers. I am supposed to get surgery, probably by end of the year or beginning of next. I’m just very worried and scared that my hand will be worst or not work as well once they do the surgery on it. However I drop pens, I dropped the pan the other day, and my fingers are throbbing, achy or just tingly numb.. I just want to write without dropping pens.

I want to be able to write and work on NaNoWriMo without so much pain.

I am not giving myself a huge goal this July on Camp NaNoWriMo. . . Just 20,000 anything over that is bonus.

I have four doctor appointments. . . my hands, ankles, and eyes are my biggest issues.

My NaNoWriMo profile https://nanowrimo.org/participants/rebekah1213