Camp NaNoWriMo Results

I did two projects within thirty days.

The first one I was about my emotional health…my inner shadow work, my PTSD moments, and some anxiety.  I got over forty thousand words.

The second was a story was for NaNoWriMo anthology. I wrote over ten thousand words with notes, the actual story and several edits.

I only gave myself a word count goal of thirty thousand, but I made fifty. However when it comes to journalling and therapy …I never seem to know where to stop.

I’m impressed I got my goal, but now I feel stuck again. Sighs.

Camp NaNoWriMo

My results are in….26,178 words in 30 days …. My goal was 30,000 words.

I was sick with cold and sinus issues for the first two weeks. I was exhausted and I barely got up to do my normal chores and errands. (It was not COVID)

I didn’t keep up with my spiritual blog every day. I will post the rest of the blogs when I can.

Then today I was listening to one of my favorite tarot readers on YouTube and I was told I need to write….

It says I need to write and write my story now. Or I’ll end up passing up on an opportunity. Of course on a very busy month. May is going to be very busy..

I hope to find some inspiration.

Update July 2022

I sit in the middle of the storm of my mind….No roof …no desk….no computer … No pens ….all the paper is blowing in the wind.

My mind looks like feet out after the party of the year .. I do not remember any of it. However everything is shredded and simply needs to be thrown out and refurbished and redecorated.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have not been able to be productive.

Not with short stories, not with notes for my longer stories.

I haven’t even had the focus to read long stories of others work. It’s felt more like work than pleasure.

If it was going back and forth with my boyfriend, I would not be writing anything at all but lists and my diary.

I’m beyond flustered and depressed..

I have not finished NaNoWriMo or Camp NaNoWriMo in almost two years.

My health physical and mental have been pulling my energy and attention. I really need to get back into my creative process.

*sighs* I just want to get back into my creative bliss .

It’s been a while..

It’s been a while since I have been writing. . . I will admit this kills me deep down. I will admit I miss my characters and my worlds. (I have so many excuses in my head to why I do not write, but biggest one is my health. . . exhaustion, no focus, discomfort, and the bit of energy I do have goes into cooking.)

I get maybe a good day, maybe two out of a month. I try to get some writing when I can. However I haven’t really gotten any thing finished or started for that matter.

I’ve tried to write in Camp NaNoWriMo in April, but I couldn’t focus, and I was fighting exhaustion.

In January-March I did post a short story in a contest, but I didn’t win. I am trying to work on a contest on

However. I can only get a bit out and I get distracted or exhaustion or both, grrrr.


If it wasn’t for my amazing, creative, patient boyfriend, I may not be writing almost daily at all. Yes, he is real. (I’ve had several ask.)


(I do not normally post this stuff on this blog. . . here is a blog about my health. . . if you want to keep up. . . )

My health issues. . .




Between my PCOS, my diabetic meds, (side effects are crazy), and scheduling therapist and doctors for my hysterectomy. . . I am get exhausted and overwhelmed so easily. I have complex hyperplasia, and if I do nothing it can get cancerous. No one wants that.
I am really fighting health physical and mental. I was okay, until my doctors said I need a hysterectomy. I’m 39 years old and have no kids. I’ve also had writer’s block for several years.

I will post more about it in my health blog. I’m sorry that I haven’t been on here more. I hope to write more soon.

My Bliss and Camp NaNoWriMo

There is something about sitting at my computer and just typing.

Sometimes I have my music on and just let my reality slip away.

The moments in which I focus on my characters and stories. It’s great!

It’s my bliss. . . I miss it.

I miss how I can just escape and yet create.
I am just so distracted and fighting pain whether it’s physical or mental. . .
I keep giving myself stupid excuses not to write.

I need to really write soon. I am trying my best to do Camp NaNoWriMo in July.

I have carpal tunnel and its very common with writers. I am supposed to get surgery, probably by end of the year or beginning of next. I’m just very worried and scared that my hand will be worst or not work as well once they do the surgery on it. However I drop pens, I dropped the pan the other day, and my fingers are throbbing, achy or just tingly numb.. I just want to write without dropping pens.

I want to be able to write and work on NaNoWriMo without so much pain.

I am not giving myself a huge goal this July on Camp NaNoWriMo. . . Just 20,000 anything over that is bonus.

I have four doctor appointments. . . my hands, ankles, and eyes are my biggest issues.

My NaNoWriMo profile

Try to Focus

I decided to put Facebook aside and focus on me and my love of writing.

I’m just really intimated by all of the author’s claiming them publishing their 2nd, 5th, or even 10th book.

I have books finished, but I just can’t get the guts to finish editing them.

I think it’s my fear of being rejected. I’ve just been stood up at least two dozen times, and rejected finding a better place to live in the last five years, so I can’t be rejected by my writing too.

So, I have decided to focus on simply my love of my writing for the rest of this year.

  • No pressure of goals
  • No extreme word count
  • No pushing having to finish the novels

Just simply writing.

Once I’m in a better place, I will tweak and edit.

Hopefully, publish them one day.

Update on Editing 2021

Update on NaNoEdMo 2021

I have learned that I really do NOT like to edit. I have to be in the right mood. To be honest, I have not been in the edit mood to mood edit in a very long time.

With my goal, I would have 14 hours of edit time this week, but I have 8 hours and 15 minutes. Averaging just over an hour per day. . . (I miss writing. I love creating.) I love my coffee.

I have been dealing with drama and such, I am on very little sleep. I realized with editing, I NEED sleep. (I dislike sleep almost as much as I dislike editing. I just wish I could have motivation, focus, and energy without sleep.

I keep telling myself that I cannot have a reward until I edit some. . . I did get in about hour almost two today.

I know I will have a busy week, I just hope that I will get at least 1 hour and 30 minute average per day.

The White Screen

I get ideas, but I stare at the white screen. . . completely mocking me . . .

  1. You aren’t an author, you aren’t even a writer. (I technically have a book on Amazon and some on Smashwords, but I need reedit and I plan to edit three major project next month and write in April.)
  2. You are a time waster. (I am researching, emotionally healing, and working on other things. I am also taking things one day at a time.)
  3. You are not creative enough. ( I more creative of then this “generation” pushing all of the remakes, I at least I try to make my own characters and story lines.)
  4. Get off your ass and get a “real” job. (I cannot handle people day in and out, I am way too bluntly honest for majority of this world, and with my heavy sleeping and sleep apnea, even with my CPAP I still cannot hear my alarm clock.)
  5. Make money, happiness is under rated. (Money only causes more problems. I just want enough to feel secure. Then I want to write; it my bliss. When I write with my guy and my gal, it’s Heaven on Earth)
  6. You are not pretty, thin, or talented enough to enjoy happiness. (Happiness does not matter whether you are thin, or beautiful or talented. . . Happiness is a choice to feel positive and hope and enjoy what you are doing. By the way, My weight or looks has nothing to do with my love of writing and creating things.)
  7. All of your ideas are taken. . . (All basic concepts are written or told, but the truth is you can always spin them. Break cliches or use them in a different way. Never let it stop you from getting your story told.)
  8. Your twists are not exciting enough. (I will tweak them in the edits.)
  9. Everyone is bored with you (with all of the drama in my damned head, I think not. . . I am crazy enough to be arguing with the computer screen.)
  10. You are a has-been and wanna-be.(I haven’t even started yet, how can I be either one of those things?)

I have so many stories to write about. I just need to get inspired and started and then simply white screen shut up and let me write.

Updates August 2020

It’s been a while since I really posted.

The truth it’s been a real struggle this year to get any of my ideas out.

I’ve had several projects I’ve been working on with a friend and it was because of him that I even got about 18k written last month.

I also had 30 poems written in 30 days on my short story blog.

However when it comes to major writing projects. . . I’ve been blocked. Extremely blocked since May.

I have been fighting depression, cabin fever, and extreme anxiety.

My computer is down. (I’m even writing this blog on a phone is data issues. Sighs.)

I lost a good friend to anxiety and depression issues. (My other health issues make it worst.)

The mixture of it all has me fighting whether writing is for me.

However my ultimate bliss is sitting at a table or desk and typing or writing story after story. I love creating characters and making story twists. It’s amazing when the story takes a life of its own and characters direct where they want to go.

I just hope I get my spark back.

Meanwhile I took an editing job. I’m finally putting my college degree to good use. An A.A. in English.

Camp NaNoWriMo April 2020

It’s so far so good. I am just under 22k, and today is 22nd, which is good as my personal goal is 1k per day. So I am almost there.

I hope I get to 50, 000 words, but it’s been tricky as I am have anxiety over this lock-in and the virus. I really should write about it. I feel like with everyone always home, I really have no privacy, no moments to myself.

Going out (which I do at most once a week, if I can wait, then two weeks.) Going out is very bizzard, I am waiting for zombies to show. The facial masks and gloves make me instantly feel sick as I have zero symptoms. I used to love shopping, even if it was just grocery shopping, but now it’s a sad chore. I feel like everyone is paranoid. The truth is only 1% of the population even has the virus. I think the media pushes the stats daily making the crowds more crazed. I am NOT saying take this lightly, but do not freak out someone so bad that they stop enjoying life. (I am sorry for those who are sick and/or died, but I really believe it will get better by summer.)

I will admit I am avoiding doctors and hospitals. (However I still need food and toilet paper.)

My gout acts up whenever I walk too much. I am then down for several days after as I have to keep my feet up. I cannot use my computer in bed as it overheats so easily.

My anemia was high making me easily exhausted but coffee really helped. I was still able to make dinner and help someone with writing, and yet working on my own.

Today I did get some things clean, including myself. However my true hair color is in my roots.

Tomorrow I need to go through my notebooks and get stuff on the computer so I have less loose papers.

I also enjoy watching others write on google docs. . . it’s cool to watch how it appears; it’s like watching a writer’s head at work.

Best advice during this time: find hobbies together and hobbies apart. Give yourself some special time.

Meanwhile I am working on Camp NaNoWriMo. . . several projects.