December update

I’ve been focusing on health and family this month.

I had an outpatient medical procedure early this month. I had never been under anesthesia felt like I was resetting my phone, where you turn it off for several minutes and then restart. I felt like my brain did that. I’m still three weeks later trying to re-access several projects in my head.

I know many fighting colds, the flu, and even covid. I’m fighting extreme mood swings and heat flashes. Depression really sucks and it was mixed with writer’s block.

I have three ideas that are simmering in my head…..yay!!

My creative boyfriend has been pulling me into a few projects to get my brain working again. I’m very grateful for that.

I really didn’t get the goals I wanted done this year. It’s been a year of healing and struggle.

I think next year I’m keeping all my goal too the K.I.S.S method….. Keep. It. Simple. Stupid. I will post my goals for 2022 in another blog.

I’m alive and working on alot of notes at the moment. I’m trying to get energy and motivation to really clean.

NaNoWriMo 2021

November is NaNoWriMo which main goal is 50,000 words in 30 day. . . Out of 11 years, I have accomplished this goal 8 years.

This year I wrote 25, 960 words which mean my personal goal of 25,000 words. I have been deal with money issues and health issues, so I have a lot on my plate.
I had two projects that I wanted to get on the computer, both notebooks got finished. I still have to work on the ending of both pieces, but I did accomplish my three goals.

I dyed my hair my dark red for it, which was my reward.

In December, any writing this month is extra bonus to my yearly word count. (I have a medical procedure next week, and I’m not sure of my focus or energy level.)

I realized that I’m just over 438,000 in my yearly count, so I will not get to my goal of 600,000 words. I really fought myself with writer’s block this year. I did write a few short stories and put them in a few contests, but didn’t win: at least I tried.
Next year, I want to finish three projects, and edit two of my main projects.

If a new project really inspires me, then I will more than happy to write it out.
I do hope to get 600,000 words, if I get motivated and inspired, but we’ll see.

Meanwhile, I am focusing on some personal issues and physical healing.

New Book Review

Over the last few weeks, I have been reading the book The Spiritual Meaning of Numbers by Belle Motley
(Amazon link.)

If you go to her site you get a free gift.
I am a fan of free gifts.

This book pulls my attention, because I keep seeing repeating numbers: with the clock, my games, even repeating numbers in my tarot reading. I would see 11:11, 1:11, 2:22 etc.

I also have seen and still see a few random numbers often: 8:17, 5:16, and 9:13. Now 5:16 and 8:17 are the birthdays of those I know are deceased. I know that they are watching over me. However I have been seeing the repeating numbers on my clock for months. I am curious as to why I keep seeing these numbers.

I have always been interested in numerology. In this book, you can break down your birthday and your full name and find many different things about yourself.

This book is written at an advanced level: it reminds me a bit of a college level textbook. It is fun and very interactive. She is very knowledgeable in her angel numbers. It is a good resource to have for those who need to know the meaning of numbers. Numbers have their own language, I believe spirits and angels both try to communicate to us with numbers.

She even explains how to meditate and pray to communicate back with the angels and spirit guides. This would be a very good resource to have on your virtual bookshelf.   

I enjoyed how she explained that you can break down multi-digits for example. . . I see 9:13 I have seen that on my clock off and on for years, ever since I was a kid. What is very weird is that my numerology numbers are 1, 3, and 9, weird huh?

9 (cause) Give to receive, completion of cycle, (Sagitarius) Letters (I, R)

1 (core) beginning, move forward (Aries) letters (A, J, S)

3 (effect) Express yourself and release (Gemini) letters (C, L, U)

Other combination. . . .91, 13, 93, 19, 31, 39, (Note: I’ll actually be 39 within the next few weeks, on the 13th, so this is even more bizarre.)