Things I have learned (so far)

I have been editing on two projects (technically, three projects if you count my therapy as well.) And I have learned a few things this month.

  1. I need to keep my goals more realistic. (I have been fighting depression and heal issues and with my other responsibilities, I have to make sure some things get done before I can edit. My original goal was 60 to 75 editing hours, I will be thrilled with reaching 50 hours by March 31st. I’m so close to at 45 hours and 20 minutes.)
  2. As I have said before, editing is more work to me, and I need to really be focused. It can really strain me. (However if I enjoy what I am editing, it’s not so bad. I have been easily distracted, grrr.)
  3. When I edit, I have to have a reason to add, subject, or simply change something.
  4. There are so many rules for commas. They can change the meaning of the statement.
  5. Semi-colons and colons can be tricky. I like to use them a bit for lists, and to make two simple statements a bit more complex.
  6. Writing is my bliss. Even just a simple blog like this.
  7. I think it’s best for my brain and happiness, if I can somehow rotate my writing and editing.

I am excited as I hope to work on a few projects with Camp NaNoWriMo in April and work on a walking program/schedule. I need to balance my computer work and get some exercise.

So my goal for today, dinner is in the crock pot (BBQ pulled ribs), get coffee, edit a few hours, and work on my other blogs.

Editing Update 2

First of all, my living situation has not been the greatest, but I have made the best of it.

Secondly, formatting issues with has me reediting my friend’s piece from the beginning. So far so good. (I am trying to edit her piece at least one day each week next month, even with Camp NaNoWriMo.)

Thirdly, between migraines, eye issues, and sinuses, I have pushed my way through.

I had a goal of 60 to 75 hours of editing but 11:59pm March 31st.

Editing hours: I have less than six days, and I am up 39 hours and 40 minutes. I do not think I will reach 60, but I will try to make at least 50. (Which was the original goal of NaNoEdMo)

I’m taking today off due to a horrible headache, and I have to get some errands done. I need more coffee.

(Just a side note, just because I am at the computer and it looks like I am reading or reorganizing it does NOT mean I am NOT working, goofing off, or lazy. I have been struggling with health issues so when I do finally sit down on my folding chair with a throbbing foot (gout), and stiff back, I usually there for a reason. Sorry, about the rant, but I was called lazy because I was getting up and doing “physical” work. )

Editing Rewards

I will admit I am a writer, and creating the story or typing up the blog is my bliss. However rereading and editing is a chore to me. Edit is the work that instantly drains me, so I have to give myself rewards. I also can only editor so long or I instantly get drained for days or simply burnt out. I mention that this month (March) I am working on editing several projects.

Even this evening, I edited for 2 hours and 50 minutes. . . 50 minutes over my daily goal. I rather be ahead in case I get a day or two where I am just so drained that I cannot focus.

I am surprised that I even found the energy to edit today.

Rewards for editing
1. New Pens
2. Candy
3. Hair dye
4. New diary
5. New Coffee Creamer
6. Mountain Dew
7. Notebooks
8. Tarot reading
9. Mediation breaks
10. Writing breaks: blogging, stories etc
11. Go for a walk
12. Play with my kitty
13. Play Online Games
14. Watch You tube
15. Movie
16. Making Amazon wish list
17. Online time.
18. Make favorite meal
19. Write with friends
20. Listen to music

NaNoEdMo Me. . . 2021

NaNoWriMo (November) has been going on for well over ten year (as this will be my 11th year).
Many of the years in March they had NaNoEdMo. . . I believe 2019 was the last year I knew of it.
I am editing myself for 50 plus hours in the Month of March.. . if others join awesome.

I’ve had writer’s block off and on for over a year now. I think maybe editing a project or two might hit a spark.

I have two major projects I am working on this March 2021
1. My friend Jade her story. . . Chapter 10 Ten and up. . . I have been working on it since August.
2. My Driving Lies Book 2. There are at least ten chapters.

Goals. . . at least 1.66 hours to 2 hours a day. (50 to 62 hours total)

The thing is editing to me is the work/chore part of writing. Creating the story is my bliss, but correcting my mess is well. . . work. I am giving myself a goal.

(If I get over 75 hours of editing . . . I will make myself an Easter basket.)

Romantic Distraction

Camp NaNoWriMo started April 1st and so far I got 2511 words. . . 

I do not normally post my personal life on this blog, but I am flustered and grateful. 

For Camp NaNo, I am finished a story, I started for NaNoWriMo in 2011. (When I was still with my ex, Tom.) There are some spicy scene between a few of my characters. . . you have to have a dramatic love element in a good thriller.

I will admit I have been lonely lately, as I have not really dated in over a year.

Against my personal blog ( I got back on a few personal sites. (Even if it is just to find some friends, but I am started to believe people are about business or they are fake online.  The real people are actually out living life.)

As much as I love love struggling with the Internet. . . I am just beginning to believe it’s full of distractions and scammers.

I got a personal site and this what I thought was really cute guy messaged me. Of course within ten lines asked for outside chat (like Kik, hang out, or skype.)

Anyway, his answers were long and too poetic. . . they did not feel real so I took a tip from one of my favorite shows “Catfish” and I googled his replies and the first thing can up was a scam site.

So  if you get an answer or text like this. . . (it’s a scammer).

“My ambition is to inspire your beloved woman constantly and stand by my nations I want the peace for the world, to help her to keep the balance between career and private life, just as she would also inspire me to do good. Love is most paramount for me, i need a companion to share my life with, who wants to create a strong family. I want to take long walks with her and share what life has in stall for us both joy and sorrow. I’d like to look up to her as an authority for me, be proud of her, adore her, be supportive, she would have my devotion understanding,kindness, care, calmness, cheerfulness,soul support and my great love. I expect to get all these traits from her too in return, Everyone wants something good for themselves, or don’t you wish yourself well? ”

This was a direct quote I found from a scamming website.

It sucked because his pics were cute. Oh well, I’m grateful now I can go back my regularly schedule program of working on my Camp NaNoWriMo projects.


Editing Almost Over

Camp NaNoWriMo is almost here. . .


I have three hours of editing left and between tonight and tomorrow I will get it done.

However I feel I barely touched my novel. I think I will need to rewrite and edit in May. Hopefully by then I will have two projects to edit.

There are some day where I could focus, and get hours of editing done.

Then there were times where I was completely distracted with yoworld, words with friends, and frustration over weak bi-polar wifi.

I learned it’s hard to put a headset on and edit as I have read and reread my pieces.

I wish I had money for someone else to edit for me.

Just less than 25 hours for Camp NaNoWriMo. Yay. 

However 50 hours of editing is nothing to complain about. . . I cut out a lot of my story and rewriting to make it more of the ghosts then of therapy.
Version A was my therapy. Version B and up were my paranormal story. 


Revising my writing and myself

Have you ever reread a piece of your own writing and asked yourself any one of the following. .

  • What was I thinking when I wrote that?
  • What was I trying to say?
  • Why did I just repeat myself?
  • Why didn’t I give enough information?
  • Where was I going with that?
  • Why did I use the cliché?
  • Was I trying to piss my audience off?

The last one made me laugh.

The thing I have learned like any art that writing is never truly finished. There is always a tweak or change an author can make . . . it was will turn the story completely different.

I also noticed that version A never looks like or sounds like version ZZZ.

However I have found a piece of editing that I do like that is when I get to rewrite. My problem from this when I am trying to subtract word from my lengthy novels . . . when I rewrite I usually add even more. I need to learn how to describe things in a condensed and efficient way.

My other issues when I leave words out from typing too much. I have to read and reread to catch the words that are missing.

I hope someday to be well-do enough to get a professional editor to look over my work. It really needs it.

Editing Progress

I wanted to be editing a lot more on my project but it seems that I have been working on everything but the rewrite of The Whispering Path.

However I did get some editing hours it. . . it’s 17th and over half way through the month. . . I’m at  29.55 of 50 hours (59%)
I am ahead of it as 17 X 1.3 hour is 22.1 hours.

I need to go back to work on my editing.

NaNoEdMo Update

I wanted to edit two projects. . . it down to one as I do not have part three of my thriller typed (It will be Camp NaNo in April’s project)

I am working on paranormal book The Whispering Path. It has over 180,000 words (overwritten, I tell the story like in three different ways within the same book.)


I love to write. I hate to edit, so I need to make a list of things I enjoy so I can treat myself.

Treats for editing

  1. Watching Youtube videos
  2. Candy
  3. Jokes
  4. Blogging
  5. Short stories
  6. movies
  7. make favorite dinner
  8. Yoworld (facebook)
  9. Go for a walk
  10. Shopping


I am participating in Editing in March. . . 50 hours of editing in 30 days.

I’m Rebekah1213 on

It means typing, rereading, editing, rewriting on my projects. I will doing this on two of my projects. . .

I think I am going to work on

  • my novella trilogy “Driving Lies” I have get the third novella typed on the computer and majorly edit the first two parts.
  • my novel “The Whispering Path.” I realized it is very overwritten. It needs to be majorly tweaked.

I have other projects, but those are two that I know are finished and could be edited.

My other projects will be worked on during Camp NaNo this year.